Sunday, November 04, 2007

Predatory Candidates

Reading the website for a local candidate for sheriff, it is easy to get discouraged. Is this the best "we" can do? Obviously this clown is not remotely worthy/libertarian. Almost every single "pledge" this person makes is based on the enforcement of counterfeit "laws". He is almost giddy at the prospect of "cracking down" on drugs and alcohol. Even the promises he makes that do not involve such "law enforcement" are way outside the legitimate authority of anyone in government, such as "fighting for our youth" and "helping them". He even pledges to seek more stolen ("tax") money for the "benefit" of the county. Shouldn't a sheriff recognize that accepting these stolen funds from the federal and state tax-predators corrupts him? Completely sickening. Especially considering that the incumbent is just as bad. I am glad that I do not seek leadership from these people; I would be lost if I did.


  1. It sounds to me like you need to get involved in local politics, Kent. Even if you don't run yourself, you should speak out in your local community, and not just in your blog, about those things which you perceive to be problematic.

  2. Since I don't "officially" live anywhere, it is a little hard to do at this time.

    I almost wrote to this particular candidate. I was going to send him a link to my blog about asking whether a candidate is a libertarian or not. I thought better of it, since I don't need to attract any attention locally right now.

    Funny thing is, I casually met this man a week ago. As I was coming out of a convenience store a stranger stopped me to talk about what is wrong with America. (His ideas revolved around rounding up Mexicans and drug users). During the rather one-sided conversation, the candidate walked by and was stopped by the speaker. He was introduced as "the man who will solve the problems". I was skeptical then and am completely unconvinced now. He kept eyeing me suspiciously and didn't speak directly to me. Perhaps I am scary looking.
