Sunday, September 23, 2007

Rights Rationed are Rights Denied

Where did the idea that governments can ration our rights come from? Do we have the right to live and protect our lives or don't we? I know the answer that comes from "On High". We have the right as long as we don't try to assert it in places where we might be angry at the authoritards; like courthouses. We have the right as long as we don't try to exercise it on an airplane. We have the right as long as we beg permission for a "permit" if we want to do it in public.
Do we have the right to say what we think or not? We have the right as long as we don't point out the abuses of government too clearly, otherwise we can be declared "domestic terrorists" and disappear into the "justice" system. We have the right as long as we don't try to use any technology to effectively get our opinions out to too many people. The only reason you and I can still speak our minds on the internet is that it is so chaotic and fragmented that few people will find any particular opinion. Still, little girls a continent away who say something online that the authoritards can construe as "threatening" to the Traitor-in-Chief can be harassed and intimidated by his goons.
These are just two examples of how government denies our rights by rationing them. Either something is a right, not subject to limitation except by the rights of another individual, or it is not. Government today does not recognize the concept of rights and is brainwashing the population into redefining rights as privileges; something that the government will permit you to exercise if you have asked the right person for permission and gotten your papers all approved, signed, and stamped. That is just wrong.

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