Thursday, August 23, 2007

Hung Up On the Details

I know, I do this too. I see a lot of people getting all excited over the one detail that is their particular "specialty". Whether it is precise language usage, knowing exactly how "X" will work in a free society, or "but what about the children/handicapped/sick?", it seems something always detours freedom fighters from the road to Libertopia. These things may be really important. The problem occurs when or if they distract us from our true goal: unfettered liberty. Am I just imagining that this is the goal? Am I speaking out of turn? If this is not your goal, I apologize for presuming to speak for you.

Why do these detours happen? Part of the reason is that, in general, freedom oriented folks are more intelligent than the average person who is content to be told what to eat, how to dress, and when to pee. They have to be in order to survive in the midst of authoritarian society. Yes, there are some dimwits among the fireflies, but they are more rare in this movement than they are in the general population. That intelligence means fireflies can get caught up in details more easily.

I get bogged down in absolutely refusing to accept any limits on my right to own and to carry any weapon I wish. Then there are those who run up against this insistence and get bogged down in worry that I will stick a nuke in my hip pocket and stroll through the mall. (How about I make the promise right now that I will never attempt to own a nuclear weapon? Now, stay out of my gun cabinet, OK?) I also get tangled in my firm insistence that all taxation is theft and is never right under any circumstance. I am sure there are more examples.

I can overlook or forgive a lot as long as you are moving in my direction. I hope you would give me the same courtesy. If you wish to stop before I have reached my destination, I will not hold it against you as long as you don't try to force me to stop when you do. You might just discover you want to come along anyway.

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