Friday, August 17, 2007

Forgive Me, For I Have Shrugged

I apologize for shrugging my blogging duties a lot recently. This thing called "life" sometimes takes precedence over philosophizing. That doesn't mean that the philosophizing is less important to me, just that there is a hierarchy to life. This is what "Living Liberty" is all about.

The same old evils are still out there: activists decry self-defense, taxes are increased and collected, people are killed because of the medications they choose. Until WE change these things, they will not change. The statists are only too happy to stay on course for destruction. Yet, the simple act of living your life the best you know how has great power to defang the authoritarians. This is and always will be my core message. The state and its enforcers can imprison or kill your body. That power does not make them right, it only demonstrates how low they are willing to sink. Your mind is untouchable. The state has only the power over your mind that you give it. Psychological torture so loved by authoritarian monsters notwithstanding.

1 comment:

  1. All around the world we fight for the same thing : TRUE LIBERTY. Keep on philosophizing and living true liberty, I'm with you man !
