Tuesday, August 21, 2007


For purposes of clarity I will put into writing some of my definitions. This is what I mean when I use these words:

Libertarianism - An absence of belief in the legitimacy of government.

Authoritarianism - The belief that some people are entitled to wield power over others, such as in a government.

Anarchy - No rulers. See also "Libertarianism".

Chaos - Either a complete lack of rules or more dangerously: arbitrary or unnatural rules. See also "Authoritarianism".

Evil - That which goes against human nature and is harmful to the individuals it is directed against. See also "Authoritarianism" and "Chaos".

Government - An organization of people who wish to tell others how to live, and enrich themselves in the process, using "laws" and rules that they establish without regard for those they attempt to control. Its defining characteristic is that it rules by force or threat of force.

Police/Cops - The enforcers used by government as the first line of control against the people.

Leader - Someone who sees a problem and offers to show others the way out.

Ruler - Someone who sees or creates a problem in order to increase his/her power and control over the local population.

War - An all-out celebration of government resulting in much chaos and evil.

Freedom - Living life as you see fit without harming anyone else in the process.

Slavery - Living life as someone else sees fit for you to live, within the parameters they have established for you, without regard for the harm it may do either to your body or your "spirit". See Rudy Giuliani's definition of "freedom" to understand the slave-owner mentality. ("Freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal of discretion about what you do."-Rudolph Giuliani)

Terrorism - Attacks by free-lance or government agents against ordinary people (who are not doing "government work") for the purpose of scaring them into compliance. Attacks against government employees or installations are not "terrorism".

Rights - Something that you can do, simply because you were born human, without asking anyone's permission. Rights can never overlap, as in: your rights can never violate someone else's rights.


  1. All perfectly fine definitions. I am, however, starting to doubt that rights cannot violate each other, unless we introduce the premise that an invader automatically "loses his rights," which seems very silly since rights are inherent.

  2. I would add two:

    agorism - A philosophy that includes a specific plan for nonviolently replacing government with an alternate economic and political system.

    The Libertarian Party - An group of people who have the unrealistic fantasy that, via voting, it is somehow possible to restrain excessive government power. With a corrupt media, corrupt voting system, and corrupt educational system, it is not possible to reform the current system via voting. The Libertarian Party tricks people into wasting their time advocating specific candidates, rather than doing something productive and useful like agorism. The Libertarian Party is designed to attract people who are disgusted with big government, but prevent them from reaching the correct conclusion that government itself needs to be eliminated.
