Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Resurgence of Prejudice

Is it just me or is it becoming more and more popular to be prejudiced, and to be loud about it? Just as long as you are prejudiced against "the right people", of course. If someone doesn't speak English, was born in another country, looks middle-eastern, or whatever the "target of the day" may be, it is OK to make jokes about them or to tell them to "go back where you came from". This sick behavior is just as bad as making people use separate restrooms or sit in the back of the bus, or as classifying them as "mentally ill" for being themselves.

Instead of hating people for things they cannot control and that hurt no one, try condemning people for things they can control; things that hurt everyone. Things like choosing to be a parasite on civilization, such as being a death trooper in the BATFE or DEA or the narcotics squad of the local thug hive. Things like agitating for racial strife and bigotry, while hiding behind the title "Reverend" or "Father", like the two anti-gun-owner bigots in Chicago have been doing recently. Disgusting things like trying to control the lives of others who are harming no one but themselves with their personal lives. People who actively engage in evil, harmful acts of government and control. Those are the things we should shun people for doing.


  1. I've already been told on YouTube by some bigot to "get out of (his) country" and that "(they) don't need any more fat lazy people."

    The sad thing is, I am more American than he'll ever be, even if he was born here and I wasn't. He wouldn't know freedom and independence if it bit him on the ass.

  2. Here, I'll counter that:

    Welcome to America, Francois! Make yourself at home. Thank you for contributing your voice to the choir of freedom! Voices like yours are sorely lacking among today's "Americans" who think "freedom" means listening to music containing the "F" word and watching "American Idol".

  3. Hahaha. Thanks Kent! I feel more welcome already. ;)
