Sunday, July 01, 2007

People Should Not Be Afraid of Their Governments...

Yet many are, and for good reason. Governments across America and around the world are a major source of death, destruction, and yes, even chaos. Government thugs murder innocent people with impunity, and if people dare to fight back or even talk back, they are labeled (incorrectly) as "terrorists". It is often stated that people get the government they deserve. I don't believe that is right, since to me that is equivalent to saying a rape victim deserved to be assaulted because of the way she dressed. It is excusing the actions of the criminal.

People need to be educated. They need to recognize that they hold the power and the authority; not the immoral zombies with titles and badges who sit in offices bought with stolen money. Governments need to be afraid of the people again. I see a shift in this direction with the metastasizing of the police state. This is not to "protect society" as is claimed, but is only to protect government. As the government grows more and more afraid it will try harder to control the people more completely. It will give more people reasons to be afraid of government. In doing so it will put the final nail in its own coffin.

Average nonviolent people fear to write certain words in their blogs or emails because it might be seen as advocating violence against government thugs. Many times I edit sentences because I wonder how some idiot at the Department of Just-us might interpret what I have said. At the same time, government never fears to harass, kill, steal, or kidnap people - because they never are held accountable for their crimes. Government never hesitates to propose another tyranny-enabling law for fear of overdue and justified backlash. This needs to change. There needs to be a day where government authoritards are deeply fearful of every action they take or every word they utter officially because they know to their very core that they will be made to pay for their despotic ways.

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