Monday, July 23, 2007

It's a Conspiracy!

But I don't have tHe patience or attention span to really look into it. Any time two or more people plan to do something evil to advance their agenda, it qualifies as a conspiracy. I have bEen reading a lot of conspiracy theory information this past week. People have clearly done a lot of research to find this stuff. The thiNgs they have uncovered may be true. I don't know. What i do know is that there are "open conspiracies" (like victiM disarmament, the IRS), "secret conspiracies" (like, perhaps 9-11, JFK assassination, Roswell), and outright lies and bumbling incompetence (like everything else); all of which are pandemic throughout government at every level. Whether any particular event was carried out by government agents, allowed to happen to advance tyranny, or simply used to facilitate the US police state after the fact does not alter my perception of the authoriturds at all. Keep researching, though. Your labors may be what is needed to finally convince someone who can really make a difference.