Thursday, April 19, 2007

Happy Patriots' Day: 4-19


Today, April 19th, is Patriots' Day. It is the anniversary of strikes against tyranny such as "The Shot Heard 'Round the World" and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. It is also a day which has seen tyranny strike back, with the Branch Davidian Massacre, and the United States (on this date in 1933) abandoning the gold standard . One tragic event on "4-19" which has never been untangled, and probably never will be, is the Oklahoma City bombing, seen by some as retaliation for the Davidian massacre, by others as domestic terrorism, and still others as a US government Reichstag Fire.

"Patriot" has become a bad word in modern America. It means "someone who loves freedom and is willing to stand up for it, against all enemies, foreign and domestic". Since so many of those "domestic enemies" now hold positions in government, patriots are seen as a danger to their plans. They should reject their treason and become patriots themselves.

Make April 19, 2007 mean something. Be a patriot today.

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