Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Call to Arms: Lessons From Virginia Tech

I will probably get reamed for what I am about to say. I am not a lawyer, and this is not legal advice. This is life advice. This is a plea for you, for all of us, to return to being human. Break the "law", please! Carry the means of self defense with you every day, everywhere you go. Be a blessing to society at large and refuse to go along with victim disarmament schemes. Protect the weak in your community by being ready, willing, able, and ARMED. If someone like "Massacre-enabler Larry" belittles and ridicules your desire to take responsibility for your own safety, call his betrayal of human values what it is. Even on private property, what is inside your clothing is not anyone else's business as long as it is not radioactive or contagious. If you don't have the fortitude to ignore inhuman "laws" and policies, go somewhere else. If the cheerleaders for mass murder try to dance in the blood of the latest victims of their policies and call for even more of the same, proclaim far and wide who and what they really are. When the mainstream mass-media start parroting calls for more victim disarmament, don't let them go unchallenged. But mainly: stay armed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this. I've updated my post on the topic with information from yours.
