Sunday, March 18, 2007

Do Laws Solve Anything?

Do laws solve problems? Do they cause more problems? I am not being facetious here, but I am truly looking for any instance of a law being passed that actually solved a problem. Not a problem caused by a previous law, (like "shall issue" concealed carry laws reducing crime rates), nor an authorization to punish someone for a crime. A case (or cases) where there was a real problem, and then a law was passed, and the problem was gone. Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Way back when the English common law was state of the art, a law was written down in books after it had evolved and become generally accepted by the populace. Nowadays, a group of people, with special interests or an agenda for reshaping society, can get a law passed and use the state power behind that law to bludgeon everyone else into compliance with their vision. They don't have to bother with convincing other people peacefully, which is at the core of a lot of what is wrong with our society.
