Thursday, January 11, 2007

Excited by the Opportunities

As we watch the state grow larger and more tyrannical, we can take comfort in knowing that there will come a point where it will be impossible to keep such a gigantic, authoritarian government from collapsing under its own weight. It has happened countless times throughout history, and will happen again. Authoritarian control is counter to the needs of people. For a time, the lazy or covetous among us will keep trying to hand us over to the state for their benefit. Eventually even they will see that it is not in their best interest to support a government that has only its own power as a motivating factor. Then, even these state worshippers will begin withdrawing support from the institutions of tyranny.

When this happens, we will watch the state crumble under its own weight, and we can be excited by the opportunities for liberty that will be opened to us. If we don't try to trade liberty for the temptation of controlling someone else, even those we may not like, in order to impose our wishes on their lives, we can have a free America. The secret is, don't replace the collapsed system with another system. To do so is to start down the road to authoritarian terrorism once again. It is the road that all governments eventually travel too far down.

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