Isaac Singletary, 81 years old, of Jacksonville, Florida is the latest victim of murderous drug cops.
"If you've got an individual that's got a firearm, then you have to do what you have to do based on your training to protect your life or protect the lives of others," said the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office Director of Homeland Security and Investigations, Micheal Edwards.
And that is exactly what Mr. Singletary tried to do. He had tresspassers in his yard. He asked them to leave. They refused, and he tried to defend himself against these criminals. Once again, though, the bad guys had badges. He was murdered for his efforts.
Those who want you to doubt that anarchy (self-ownership and individual responsibility) is the best, most moral, and ethical way to live among others are asking you to accept that theft, aggression, superstition, and slavery are better.
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Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Libertarians: Amish of the Future?
A couple of days ago, I was watching "2057" on The Discovery Channel, a program looking at life fifty years from now, and wondering; where privacy will be in the future. It was mentioned a few times on the show, but only in passing. Will libertarians be left out of the future wonders if we do not accept the all-seeing state? Will we be the Amish of the future? Will we, will liberty, become obsolete? That is a scary thought. Or will the world be divided into the urban areas of great technology, but zero privacy, and rural areas of greater privacy, but less tech? Perhaps the liberty lovers will be expected to put up with the intrusive state, and pay for it, but will not get any benefit because we won't or can't pay for it. We are already viewed as paranoiacs just because we can see the drawbacks of giving up liberty for (false) security. We are already being marginalized because we don't ask for permission to do the things we know we have an inborn right to do. Try explaining to some state sympathizer why you have no "driver's license". Try to retain a bit of privacy when you open a bank account. Imagine how much harder it will be in the future. It will be hard, but we must never give up. It will be easier to hold onto what we have, than to try to get it back if we give in now.
Then again, government meddling has kept all the wondrous things that were predicted fifty years ago from coming to pass, maybe it will prevent this too. It's too bad. I would really like a flying car, even if I balk at government "requiring" a license and registration for using one.
Then again, government meddling has kept all the wondrous things that were predicted fifty years ago from coming to pass, maybe it will prevent this too. It's too bad. I would really like a flying car, even if I balk at government "requiring" a license and registration for using one.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
"Politics One" January Poll
I ended up winning the Politics One Libertarian poll for January.
I am in fourth place in The Next Prez's January poll at the moment, and in third place on the Libertarian Poll.
"Thank you" to everyone for your votes!
I am in fourth place in The Next Prez's January poll at the moment, and in third place on the Libertarian Poll.
"Thank you" to everyone for your votes!
Tyranny Deniers
There are people out there who seem to do everything in their power to overlook the evils of the state. They attack and ridicule those whom they mockingly call "tax deniers" and others who attempt to fight the state; even those who do so without any violence. They are the tyranny deniers. They would not see tyranny in their own backyard as long as it was operating under color of law. They try to trivialize the fight by finding fault in the argument that the resistance uses, or by finding fault in the resisters themselves. No one is perfect. I certainly am not. Does that make my fight against tyranny illegitimate? No, it makes my fight human. In epic battles of the past, sometimes less-than-heroic allies have helped defeat an even greater, more pressing evil. There is no more horrific evil than tyranny. Don't become a tyranny denier just because you may not like or agree with someone who is standing up to the state. Find a way to strike your own blows. Divide and conquer the state instead of letting the liberty movement be divided and conquered. Authoritarians of every stripe are a major threat to all of humanity, even to the tyranny deniers.
Monday, January 29, 2007
It's Lonely at the ..... Top?
I am a political party of one. I suppose that makes it lonely, but this way I don't need to conform my views to please any political group. Instead of going out and trying to convince them that I am worthy, I am letting them come to me. If they want me to be their candidate, and they can accept my stand, then we can work together. I don't know if this is a viable tactic, since, as far as I know it has never been done. In reality, every person is their own political party. Most people just try to identify with one that matches their views as closely as possible; or the party that their parents belong to. I am simply recognizing reality and trying to work with it. I am probably closest in agreement with the Boston Tea Party. I also appreciate the Libertarian Party, but think they have watered down their message to be more palatable for general consumption. I would accept the nomination of any party out there; on MY terms. If I am forced to "go it alone" to the bitter end, that is what I will do. It is my quest. Now pardon me while I go off to find some windmills to tilt at.
Sunday, January 28, 2007
No Such Critter as a "Tax Cheat"
"Tax cheat". I am tired of hearing this dishonest phrase. How is it even possible to "cheat" a thief? It isn't. If a mugger accosts you in the park, he is stealing your money, which is, at its foundation, your life's time and effort. Anyone who attempts to take your life or any part thereof by force is a thief who should be resisted with force. He has forfeited his right to life. You certainly have no obligation to hand over the $20 hidden in your shoe. If you don't, are you cheating him? Of course not. The very thought is utterly ridiculous. Why is a thug with a badge or a gavel any different? There is no difference except in the carefully crafted misperception of the public. The government and its media lap-dogs indoctrinate Americans with the words "tax cheat" and "your taxes" in a calculated effort to make the institutionalized theft seem legitimate. Americans are distracted by glowing accounts of what the thieves will spend the money on, and shown how some small part of it will be directed back to the victims. Don't fall for it. No one can spent your money as wisely (or as foolishly, if that is your desire) as you can. A freelance mugger is much less dangerous than a vindictive government bent on theft. The mugger can be dealt with easily. The kleptocracy is well populated and heavily armed and does not like to be defied. Just because they can write permission for themselves in the form of counterfeit "laws" and imprison you does not make them right. Theft-by-government is the most common, and the most disgusting, kind of theft.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Advice for Ed Brown
Well, this isn't really just advice for Ed Brown, but is also for Wayne Fincher or any one of the millions of people in America who are currently violating some counterfeit "law" out there. You should work as hard as you can, putting everything you've got, into getting me elected president. This would do more to help your case than anything else you could do. Why? Because as soon as I took office I would become a pardon factory. As long as you did not commit force or fraud (against anyone other than someone acting in an official government capacity) I would grant you executive clemency. I would also point out that if the judge had not dishonestly refused to inform the jurors of their legal and traditional right and duty to judge the law as well as the facts of the case, you would most likely have never been convicted in the first place. Never again would a judge be able to tamper with the jury in this manner without his crime being made public. Very public.
I know it would be more of a moral victory to stand up to the unconstitutional edicts on your own terms, but the state can not allow you or me to win this way. We can beat them at their own game, however. Let them arrest you and put you on trial. Have your defense attorney inform me of the case. I would hold a press conference to remind America to become fully informed jurors. I would publicly call for the judge to instruct the jury to judge the law as well as the facts of the case. Then, even if you are convicted, I would pardon you. What kinds of "crimes" am I speaking of? Tax "evasion, gun possession, self defense against armed agents of the state or free-lance criminals, prostitution, drug charges; anything that is not force or fraud. Look at the past blog entries in my archive to find out more about counterfeit "laws". Hiding money from theft-by-taxation is not fraud, by the way, it is attempting to hold on to that which belongs to you. It is the moral equivalent of hiding money in your shoe.
This is my offer to you. Whether you have been arrested, are currently facing trial, or have gone through this injustice in the past. Put your effort into getting me elected and the "justice system" will begin to be "just" again in spite of the best efforts of the government.
I know it would be more of a moral victory to stand up to the unconstitutional edicts on your own terms, but the state can not allow you or me to win this way. We can beat them at their own game, however. Let them arrest you and put you on trial. Have your defense attorney inform me of the case. I would hold a press conference to remind America to become fully informed jurors. I would publicly call for the judge to instruct the jury to judge the law as well as the facts of the case. Then, even if you are convicted, I would pardon you. What kinds of "crimes" am I speaking of? Tax "evasion, gun possession, self defense against armed agents of the state or free-lance criminals, prostitution, drug charges; anything that is not force or fraud. Look at the past blog entries in my archive to find out more about counterfeit "laws". Hiding money from theft-by-taxation is not fraud, by the way, it is attempting to hold on to that which belongs to you. It is the moral equivalent of hiding money in your shoe.
This is my offer to you. Whether you have been arrested, are currently facing trial, or have gone through this injustice in the past. Put your effort into getting me elected and the "justice system" will begin to be "just" again in spite of the best efforts of the government.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Are All Presidents Mad-Men?
I often wonder if all who seek to become president are mad. I know it seems that most of them, perhaps all of them, behave as though they are completely insane once they take office. I observe the disconnect with reality that is displayed when presidents speak to reporters (themselves not known, as a group, to be very rational). It is truly astounding what presidents think we will believe when they say it. "Tell a lie often enough and it will become accepted as the truth." Playing with the lives of humans as if they are chess pieces to be used in the deadly games of government. Sane humans do not do this. The disregard to human life is enough to make the most infamous serial-murderers look compassionate. The political process weeds out those of us who are not willing to compromise our principles and lie ourselves into the good graces of the voters. Maybe this is why it is so hard for a person of the libertarian persuasion to get elected; we are too sane. Or, it is more likely that we are not "mad" in the right way.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Expectation of Justice
When a person is accused of a crime, that person should be able to have some expectation that they will get justice in front of the jury. Remove this expectation and the entire justice system will collapse, as well it should.
The courts are not interested in justice; only convictions, and have skewed the system in their favor. Corrupt judges who refuse to inform jurors of their right and duty, under the law and backed up by a thousand-year-old legal tradition, to judge the legitimacy of the law, as well as the facts of the case, undermine this expectation. "Justice" does not mean "punishment". It means what is right will be done.
If you have been arrested for consciously deciding to violate a law which you believe to be counterfeit, the jurors deciding your fate have the right to judge for themselves if your view has any merit. Ed Brown and Hollis Wayne Fincher were denied even this minimal amount of justice. It does not matter whether or not they actually broke any law at this point; what matters is that the government kept critical information from the jury in order to assure a guilty verdict. This is jury tampering of the highest degree. Remove "justice" from the "criminal justice system" and what are you left with?
The courts are not interested in justice; only convictions, and have skewed the system in their favor. Corrupt judges who refuse to inform jurors of their right and duty, under the law and backed up by a thousand-year-old legal tradition, to judge the legitimacy of the law, as well as the facts of the case, undermine this expectation. "Justice" does not mean "punishment". It means what is right will be done.
If you have been arrested for consciously deciding to violate a law which you believe to be counterfeit, the jurors deciding your fate have the right to judge for themselves if your view has any merit. Ed Brown and Hollis Wayne Fincher were denied even this minimal amount of justice. It does not matter whether or not they actually broke any law at this point; what matters is that the government kept critical information from the jury in order to assure a guilty verdict. This is jury tampering of the highest degree. Remove "justice" from the "criminal justice system" and what are you left with?
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
The REAL State of the Union
At the request of Conservative President 2008 I prepared my own State of the Union address. Here it is:
America, through world-wide meddling by the US government, has made enemies all over the globe. The US government does not, or at least should not, represent America. America is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; The Highest Law of the Land. The US government is a bureaucracy which serves only its own interests to the detriment of America.
More terrorists devoted to killing Americans are created every day in countries all over the world by the US government's policies of nation-building and "peace-keeping". Who can blame them? Imagine if the roles were reversed. Remember how America felt when nineteen Arab terrorists killed almost 3000 Americans (if the government line is true)? Now imagine that instead of that horrible, singular act, a foreign army had invaded our shores and began moving through all of our towns, killing, raping, and maiming along the way. You would vow to avenge the deaths of your neighbors and brothers, sisters, father and mother til the last breath of life were gone from your body. How do you think they feel with US troops parading through their hometowns? We must bring the troops home, safe, alive, now.
The economy is a mess. Government statistics hide the true cost of inflation, which is really simply the cost of not backing our money with precious metal. The Federal Reserve needs to be abolished to bring value back to your money, and the IRS must be banished to leave that money in the hands of its rightful owners.
America is a country suffering in a vast wasteland of "law pollution" where every little issue brings forth a new law. The Supreme Court, back when it still had a shred of honor, ruled that any law which was out of line of the Constitution and Bill of Rights was null and void and was not really a law, and that no one had any obligation to obey such a law. I call this a "counterfeit law". The law pollution needs to be cleaned up. Crimes such as murder, theft, rape, kidnapping, and fraud are real crimes. There is no debate here. Victimless "crimes" need to be done away with, and the political prisoners held for violating them need to be given back their lives.
Some Americans rail against "illegal" immigrants while studiously ignoring why the "problem individuals" come here. Welfare handouts are not only bringing in human parasites from abroad, but raising up a generation of the same here. Handouts are never the way to build a person. Stop offering them and the people who choose to come here will come for all the right reasons; the same reasons most of your ancestors and mine chose to make America their home.
Much is made of the shift to a Democratic-controlled Congress, but this is merely "smoke and mirrors" as there is no longer enough difference between Democrat and Republican to matter. Both sides believe they have the authority and wisdom to control the personal, private affairs of others. Both sides pursue the same policies only shifting emphasis from year to year. Both sides are complicit in the destruction of liberty under the pretense of saving "us" from one phantom or another.
I believe there is hope. More and more Americans are recognizing the harm that the US government is doing using American interests as an excuse. Even out-of-control police officers across the country are having the light of attention shined on their abuses. The murders they commit are being noticed more and more. Fewer people believe the official government story on .... anything. There is hope. Freedom will win.
America, through world-wide meddling by the US government, has made enemies all over the globe. The US government does not, or at least should not, represent America. America is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights; The Highest Law of the Land. The US government is a bureaucracy which serves only its own interests to the detriment of America.
More terrorists devoted to killing Americans are created every day in countries all over the world by the US government's policies of nation-building and "peace-keeping". Who can blame them? Imagine if the roles were reversed. Remember how America felt when nineteen Arab terrorists killed almost 3000 Americans (if the government line is true)? Now imagine that instead of that horrible, singular act, a foreign army had invaded our shores and began moving through all of our towns, killing, raping, and maiming along the way. You would vow to avenge the deaths of your neighbors and brothers, sisters, father and mother til the last breath of life were gone from your body. How do you think they feel with US troops parading through their hometowns? We must bring the troops home, safe, alive, now.
The economy is a mess. Government statistics hide the true cost of inflation, which is really simply the cost of not backing our money with precious metal. The Federal Reserve needs to be abolished to bring value back to your money, and the IRS must be banished to leave that money in the hands of its rightful owners.
America is a country suffering in a vast wasteland of "law pollution" where every little issue brings forth a new law. The Supreme Court, back when it still had a shred of honor, ruled that any law which was out of line of the Constitution and Bill of Rights was null and void and was not really a law, and that no one had any obligation to obey such a law. I call this a "counterfeit law". The law pollution needs to be cleaned up. Crimes such as murder, theft, rape, kidnapping, and fraud are real crimes. There is no debate here. Victimless "crimes" need to be done away with, and the political prisoners held for violating them need to be given back their lives.
Some Americans rail against "illegal" immigrants while studiously ignoring why the "problem individuals" come here. Welfare handouts are not only bringing in human parasites from abroad, but raising up a generation of the same here. Handouts are never the way to build a person. Stop offering them and the people who choose to come here will come for all the right reasons; the same reasons most of your ancestors and mine chose to make America their home.
Much is made of the shift to a Democratic-controlled Congress, but this is merely "smoke and mirrors" as there is no longer enough difference between Democrat and Republican to matter. Both sides believe they have the authority and wisdom to control the personal, private affairs of others. Both sides pursue the same policies only shifting emphasis from year to year. Both sides are complicit in the destruction of liberty under the pretense of saving "us" from one phantom or another.
I believe there is hope. More and more Americans are recognizing the harm that the US government is doing using American interests as an excuse. Even out-of-control police officers across the country are having the light of attention shined on their abuses. The murders they commit are being noticed more and more. Fewer people believe the official government story on .... anything. There is hope. Freedom will win.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
News Flash: All "New" Laws Null and Void!
In the manner of the US federal government, I have unilaterally decided that all laws passed since the original Constitution and Bill of Rights are now null and void.
I hear the masses of oppressed productive Americans breathing a sigh of relief. "But wait" I hear you say. "What about laws which deal with things that didn't exist in the late 18th century?" Don't worry about them; I won't. There are plenty of hazards that existed in that quaint era for you to get your knickers in a knot over. Swords and muskets existed back then, so you will be required to obey every single sword or musket control law in the Constitution. Sorry, but that is just how it must be. You will also be responsible for obeying all the environmental regulations that the Constitution applies to your horses' exhaust-pipes. You must apply the definition of the words that were in common usage at the time they were written, and not "go soft" by using more modern "kinder, gentler" translations. And don't worry, the .0001% of the US government that will still exist under the new rules will be enforcing the Highest Law of the Land from now on, since they will be freed from enforcing the ridiculously silly edicts they have been wasting their time with for the past couple of centuries.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled hallucination.
I hear the masses of oppressed productive Americans breathing a sigh of relief. "But wait" I hear you say. "What about laws which deal with things that didn't exist in the late 18th century?" Don't worry about them; I won't. There are plenty of hazards that existed in that quaint era for you to get your knickers in a knot over. Swords and muskets existed back then, so you will be required to obey every single sword or musket control law in the Constitution. Sorry, but that is just how it must be. You will also be responsible for obeying all the environmental regulations that the Constitution applies to your horses' exhaust-pipes. You must apply the definition of the words that were in common usage at the time they were written, and not "go soft" by using more modern "kinder, gentler" translations. And don't worry, the .0001% of the US government that will still exist under the new rules will be enforcing the Highest Law of the Land from now on, since they will be freed from enforcing the ridiculously silly edicts they have been wasting their time with for the past couple of centuries.
You may now return to your regularly scheduled hallucination.
Counterfeit Laws,
Law Pollution,
my campaign,
police state,
Monday, January 22, 2007
Freedom on Trial
Here is an article from The Libertarian Enterprise about Ed Brown and his situation.
"Why I Support Ed Brown" by Kat Kanning
I haven't been commenting on this situation primarily because everyone should know by now that I think that all taxes are completely, inexcusably wrong and that drawing attention to yourself is suicide. I hope for a good outcome, but I don't expect it. The "Ed Brown Standoff" is no longer really about Ed Brown and whether or not he is a nice guy. It is now about whether or not you support the criminal-justice system as it is, or if you think it has become a travesty.
This and other recent high-profile trials where the defendants were not allowed to argue that the "laws" that had been violated were illegitimate demonstrate a severe shortcoming in our broken criminal-justice system. The parasitic government sets all the terms so the outcome is almost predetermined. As Darrell Anderson of Simple Liberty said recently, "What parasite in his or her right mind would allow the host to dictate the terms of existence?" Not the one which controls the US courts, obviously.
The only nice way to fight this is to become a fully informed juror. The next time Freedom is on trial, disregard the judge's infantile demands and find in favor of liberty, not tyranny.
"Why I Support Ed Brown" by Kat Kanning
I haven't been commenting on this situation primarily because everyone should know by now that I think that all taxes are completely, inexcusably wrong and that drawing attention to yourself is suicide. I hope for a good outcome, but I don't expect it. The "Ed Brown Standoff" is no longer really about Ed Brown and whether or not he is a nice guy. It is now about whether or not you support the criminal-justice system as it is, or if you think it has become a travesty.
This and other recent high-profile trials where the defendants were not allowed to argue that the "laws" that had been violated were illegitimate demonstrate a severe shortcoming in our broken criminal-justice system. The parasitic government sets all the terms so the outcome is almost predetermined. As Darrell Anderson of Simple Liberty said recently, "What parasite in his or her right mind would allow the host to dictate the terms of existence?" Not the one which controls the US courts, obviously.
The only nice way to fight this is to become a fully informed juror. The next time Freedom is on trial, disregard the judge's infantile demands and find in favor of liberty, not tyranny.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Emotional Inertia
In our quest for real, meaningful change, I think that a form of "emotional inertia" is what holds us back. I was originally going to call it "mental inertia" but I don't think it involves our rational minds. Stay with me and I will get around to the political implications here.
Imagine that you always thought that rhinoceros were the size of a donkey. On a safari you run into one and discover that it is much larger than you thought. Unless you have some emotional investment in your previous belief, you will easily adjust to your new information.
On the other hand, if you have always believed that the federal government is like a kindly grandfather; watching out for you and only wanting what is best for you, you are not likely to shift your view no matter how much evidence is presented to the contrary. You will always rationalize the evil that the government does. "Those people deserved it." or "There are a few bad apples, but most of them are only in it to help." You have too much of your emotional life bound up in your worldview to relinquish it easily. You may have friends and family who have a job that you would begin to see as immoral if you looked at it rationally.
Can emotional inertia be overcome? Yes, but it isn't easy. Mostly it will only come from within. I can't argue or debate you into changing your view. What I can do is live my life freely. Live by what I know is right. I will not initiate force or fraud against anyone. I will stick to my guns. I can't force you to be free. If you want to join me, I will welcome you.
Imagine that you always thought that rhinoceros were the size of a donkey. On a safari you run into one and discover that it is much larger than you thought. Unless you have some emotional investment in your previous belief, you will easily adjust to your new information.
On the other hand, if you have always believed that the federal government is like a kindly grandfather; watching out for you and only wanting what is best for you, you are not likely to shift your view no matter how much evidence is presented to the contrary. You will always rationalize the evil that the government does. "Those people deserved it." or "There are a few bad apples, but most of them are only in it to help." You have too much of your emotional life bound up in your worldview to relinquish it easily. You may have friends and family who have a job that you would begin to see as immoral if you looked at it rationally.
Can emotional inertia be overcome? Yes, but it isn't easy. Mostly it will only come from within. I can't argue or debate you into changing your view. What I can do is live my life freely. Live by what I know is right. I will not initiate force or fraud against anyone. I will stick to my guns. I can't force you to be free. If you want to join me, I will welcome you.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Innocents Betrayed
I don't know how many of you are familiar with the film Innocents Betrayed put out by JPFO. This movie explores the links between victim disarmament (erroneously known as "gun control") and genocide. I highly recommend it. They now offer it as a download for $5.00. If you look quickly, you can see a photo of me in the film, and I am listed in the photo credits. I am the mountainman in the black & white photo that flashes past rather quickly during a montage illustrating modern American life.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Liberty for All
There have been some incredibly good articles in "Liberty For All" recently. Here is a selection of some that struck a nerve with me.
Child support.
Out of the Mouths of Wolves...
So Easy to Believe the Lie.
Most of these were originally published a few years ago, but they are just as relevent now as when they were written, which is why Liberty For All republished them.
Child support.
Out of the Mouths of Wolves...
So Easy to Believe the Lie.
Most of these were originally published a few years ago, but they are just as relevent now as when they were written, which is why Liberty For All republished them.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Last Call for "Time's Up" Flags

Tomorrow, Friday January 19, 2007 will be the last call for "Time's Up" flags on eBay for a while. Get them while you can!
The Elite and Their Enablers
Why isn't there more disenchantment with government? I think it is because too many people feel they would be nothing without the big guns of government backing them up. If you are "in" with the tyrant, you have privileges that the serfs don't have. You can get away with using guns that are forbidden to the rest of us. You get to engage in blatantly criminal behavior such as kicking in doors and shooting dads and grandmothers.
Even if you do not wield the iron fist there are reasons you might want to keep the status quo. If you have been granted a license that gives you a special status, you don't want everyone to realize that a "license" is only as meaningful as the body that grants it. If you are with the IRS you can take glee in stripping the flesh off of those who dare to point out your nakedness. If you are with the BATFE you can stalk, imprison, and murder those who simply own the same types of firearms that you feel should be yours alone. Small souls seek to punish.
Then there are also those who rely on a government handout. They studiously ignore the fact that the money is stolen from other people. Perhaps they justify it because they "paid in all those years".
If you fear freedom, real freedom, examine your reasons. Do you fear the loss of your privilege? Are you afraid of "the unwashed masses"? Does being forced to compete on the free market without the state threatening everyone into submission scare you? Stop belittling and ridiculing liberty. If you don't want freedom, get out of the way of those of us who intend to live free.
Even if you do not wield the iron fist there are reasons you might want to keep the status quo. If you have been granted a license that gives you a special status, you don't want everyone to realize that a "license" is only as meaningful as the body that grants it. If you are with the IRS you can take glee in stripping the flesh off of those who dare to point out your nakedness. If you are with the BATFE you can stalk, imprison, and murder those who simply own the same types of firearms that you feel should be yours alone. Small souls seek to punish.
Then there are also those who rely on a government handout. They studiously ignore the fact that the money is stolen from other people. Perhaps they justify it because they "paid in all those years".
If you fear freedom, real freedom, examine your reasons. Do you fear the loss of your privilege? Are you afraid of "the unwashed masses"? Does being forced to compete on the free market without the state threatening everyone into submission scare you? Stop belittling and ridiculing liberty. If you don't want freedom, get out of the way of those of us who intend to live free.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Rigging the "Game"
Did you sign the Constitution? I didn't. I am not that old. Were you asked when you reached the governmental "age of consent" if you wished to be subjected to rule by the US (or any) government? Me neither.
Isn't it ironic that "we" are told we must obey the governmental edicts imposed by "our" representatives (who, at best, are only representing a small majority of voters) while they are allowed to interpret the rules to mean whatever is convenient for them?
I have no problem with a government existing as long as it does not violate anyone's rights. Once it does, it becomes coercive. I do not consent to coercion.
Government is the only power allowed to define the rules of the game. They do not do so in favor of individual liberty. Is it any wonder that governments historically get bigger and more evil until they topple?
Isn't it ironic that "we" are told we must obey the governmental edicts imposed by "our" representatives (who, at best, are only representing a small majority of voters) while they are allowed to interpret the rules to mean whatever is convenient for them?
I have no problem with a government existing as long as it does not violate anyone's rights. Once it does, it becomes coercive. I do not consent to coercion.
Government is the only power allowed to define the rules of the game. They do not do so in favor of individual liberty. Is it any wonder that governments historically get bigger and more evil until they topple?
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
United (Police) States of America
Think about it. The government keeps clamping down with tighter and tighter controls on us ordinary people. We are numbered and tracked in almost everything we do. Anything remotely against the current governmental "view" of things has been labelled "terrorism". We live in Police State USA and are charged for the privilege, through taxation; being subjected to all the above abuses, and expected to thank the authoritards for "protecting" us.
State-worshippers see nothing wrong with this system. They seem to think it is a good idea. After all, it is for our own good. No, wait; it is "for the children". We must not put American ideals above their false god of safety.
Paraphrasing Princess Leia: The more they tighten their grip, the more people will slip through their fingers. Yet, according to the reigning Emperors and Darths, it is our fault if things don't work out. We should willingly give up our lives as pawns of the Empire. Good luck, tyrants. This is still America!
State-worshippers see nothing wrong with this system. They seem to think it is a good idea. After all, it is for our own good. No, wait; it is "for the children". We must not put American ideals above their false god of safety.
Paraphrasing Princess Leia: The more they tighten their grip, the more people will slip through their fingers. Yet, according to the reigning Emperors and Darths, it is our fault if things don't work out. We should willingly give up our lives as pawns of the Empire. Good luck, tyrants. This is still America!
Monday, January 15, 2007
Am I More Palatable Now?
2008 Presidential Election blog
Another blog has mentioned me. The writer of the 2008 Presidential Election blog doesn't particularly seem to agree with me, but here is what he said:
I really don't see the big deal. I am not a threat to anyone. If you prefer to live a less-than-free life, I can't stop you, nor would I even try. You don't like parties or bonfires? Stay home then. You like your Social Security cards and IRS papers? Keep them for nostalgia. I think the White House would make a lovely museum to remind Americans what can happen if government is not kept in a pinch-collar on a very short leash.
Libertarian Party Leader
Kent McManigal (Is this guy serious? I hope NOT)
This one was tough. Kent did not lead in both polls, but when averaged between the too, he was the leader. I googled him and he is listed well. He makes a lot of crazy statements on his site that make it apparent he is not serious about being president. He has a blog and a website that describes him as anti-government with plans to have his massive inauguration party/meet up on the White House lawn where he will burn Social Security cards and put the White House up for bid to sell. He has listed Andrew Wiegand as his running mate. I listed Kent only because he was ahead in the polls.
I really don't see the big deal. I am not a threat to anyone. If you prefer to live a less-than-free life, I can't stop you, nor would I even try. You don't like parties or bonfires? Stay home then. You like your Social Security cards and IRS papers? Keep them for nostalgia. I think the White House would make a lovely museum to remind Americans what can happen if government is not kept in a pinch-collar on a very short leash.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Fincher Railroaded
Hollis Wayne Fincher has been railroaded. What else would you call it? I don't wish to get into another debate on the right to own weapons (if you wish to rehash it, look at my earlier blogs and comments), but I do want to comment on the Hollis Wayne Fincher guilty verdict. Of course he was convicted. How could he not be when the judge tampered with the jury to make certain they would convict him? He was not allowed to use the defense that he has the individual right, as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, to "bear arms".
Suppose that next year congress passes a law outlawing certain books. You take a moral stand that the law is wrong, and publicly announce that you will continue to own and read, perhaps even publish, those "illegal" books. Being arrested for owning a Bible or an encyclopedia and not being allowed to argue that the "law" you are being charged with violating is illegitimate almost guarantees you will be found guilty. Unless the jury is made up of very strong people who resisted the judge's instructions to simply decide if you had indeed broken the law. Counterfeit "laws" should not be obeyed. Regardless of your stand on the right to bear arms, if you are not allowed to use the government's highest law in your defense, then what has become of America?
Free Wayne!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
What is a "communist"? It is someone who ascribes to the system of communism, which defines as "a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state."
I could never be a communist since I do not believe in a "common good". However, depending on your religious beliefs, you might not want to toss it out so quickly. The early Christians were communists. Acts 4:34-35 says:
Note that this was an entirely voluntary form of communism; not the state enforced Marxism that is generally meant by the word "communism" today. Still, I could not live this way, since I view the fruits of your labors as yours alone to do with as you wish. If, however, you choose to put it in a common account, to be used "for the greater good", that is your business and not mine.
I could never be a communist since I do not believe in a "common good". However, depending on your religious beliefs, you might not want to toss it out so quickly. The early Christians were communists. Acts 4:34-35 says:
"Neither was there any among them that lacked, for as many as were possessors of lands or houses sold them, and brought the prices of the things that were sold. And laid them down at the apostles' feet and distribution was made unto every man according as he had need."
Note that this was an entirely voluntary form of communism; not the state enforced Marxism that is generally meant by the word "communism" today. Still, I could not live this way, since I view the fruits of your labors as yours alone to do with as you wish. If, however, you choose to put it in a common account, to be used "for the greater good", that is your business and not mine.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Somedays it seems like the police state is overwhelming us. You read about cases like Cory Maye, Hollis Wayne Fincher, Kathryn Johnston, Sean Bell, Peyton Strickland, and Felipe Fernandez-Armesto, and it just feels that "they" have us outnumbered. There is hope, though. At least these stories are not being totally ignored. Even the average American is hearing about some of these people. Perhaps a few of them are beginning to see the United States for what it is: a grave threat to America. Don't forget any of these victims of US tyranny.
Remember your duty to use the power of the jury box to judge the legitimacy of the law that someone is being accused of violating; if the law is nonsense or if you believe it is unconstitutional, then find the defendant not-guilty. Regardless of what the judge tells you to do. It is your right and duty, and has been for around a thousand years. No corrupt puppet of the police state can order you to do otherwise. Support and practice jury nullification.
Remember your duty to use the power of the jury box to judge the legitimacy of the law that someone is being accused of violating; if the law is nonsense or if you believe it is unconstitutional, then find the defendant not-guilty. Regardless of what the judge tells you to do. It is your right and duty, and has been for around a thousand years. No corrupt puppet of the police state can order you to do otherwise. Support and practice jury nullification.
Political Teens Blog
A new blog, The Political Teens Campaign, has been started for all of you politically minded teens out there. It was started by Daniel Myers of the Politics One blog. I think it is a great idea and wish Daniel the best of luck.
I like the little blurb about me on The Next Prez's Friday Top Five this week:
5. Kent McManigal (steady) -- Still holding down the fort for libertarians from the L. Neil Smith no-excuses corner of the party.
5. Kent McManigal (steady) -- Still holding down the fort for libertarians from the L. Neil Smith no-excuses corner of the party.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
If you have the desire to do so, here are a few polls where you can vote for the candidate(s) of your choice.
Next Prez, third poll down, on the right.
Politics One, also the third poll down, and it is bright yellow!
Libertarian Poll
Thanks for your votes!
Next Prez, third poll down, on the right.
Politics One, also the third poll down, and it is bright yellow!
Libertarian Poll
Thanks for your votes!
A Reason to Hope for the Future
A Missouri teen videos cops during one of their increasingly common illegal roadblocks. This kid has guts.
Excited by the Opportunities
As we watch the state grow larger and more tyrannical, we can take comfort in knowing that there will come a point where it will be impossible to keep such a gigantic, authoritarian government from collapsing under its own weight. It has happened countless times throughout history, and will happen again. Authoritarian control is counter to the needs of people. For a time, the lazy or covetous among us will keep trying to hand us over to the state for their benefit. Eventually even they will see that it is not in their best interest to support a government that has only its own power as a motivating factor. Then, even these state worshippers will begin withdrawing support from the institutions of tyranny.
When this happens, we will watch the state crumble under its own weight, and we can be excited by the opportunities for liberty that will be opened to us. If we don't try to trade liberty for the temptation of controlling someone else, even those we may not like, in order to impose our wishes on their lives, we can have a free America. The secret is, don't replace the collapsed system with another system. To do so is to start down the road to authoritarian terrorism once again. It is the road that all governments eventually travel too far down.
When this happens, we will watch the state crumble under its own weight, and we can be excited by the opportunities for liberty that will be opened to us. If we don't try to trade liberty for the temptation of controlling someone else, even those we may not like, in order to impose our wishes on their lives, we can have a free America. The secret is, don't replace the collapsed system with another system. To do so is to start down the road to authoritarian terrorism once again. It is the road that all governments eventually travel too far down.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
A Quote About Cops
Here is a good perspective on what is wrong with the police in America today, and it was written in 1964. I wonder what Mr. Vance would think of the badge-wearing predators we have infesting society in 2007...
Humanity many times has had sad experience of superpowerful police forces.... As soon as [the police] slip out from under the firm thumb of a suspicious local tribune, they become arbitrary, merciless, a law unto themselves. They think no more of justice, but only of establishing themselves as a privileged and envied elite. They mistake the attitude of natural caution and uncertainty of the civilian population as admiration and respect, and presently they start to swagger back and forth, jingling their weapons in megalomaniac euphoria. People thereupon become not masters, but servants. Such a police force becomes merely an aggregate of uniformed criminals, the more baneful in that their position is unchallenged and sanctioned by law. The police mentality cannot regard a human being in terms other than as an item or object to be processed as expeditionsly as possible. Public convenience or dignity means nothing; police prerogatives assume the status of divine law. Submissiveness is demanded. If a police officer kills a civilian, it is a regrettable circumstance: the officer was possibly overzealous. If a civilian kills a police officer all hell breaks loose. The police foam at the mouth. All other business comes to a standstill until the perpetrator of this most dastardly act is found out. Inevitably, when apprehended, he is beaten or otherwise tortured for his intolerable presumption. The police complain that they cannot function efficiently, that criminials escape them. Better a hundred unchecked criminals than the despotism of one unbridled police force.
- Jack Vance, The Star King, 1964 (later included in The Demon Princes)
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Freedom of Speech
Do you have the right to falsely yell "FIRE!" in a crowded theater? Yes, you do. You have a responsibility to not do that, though, to be sure. Here again, I must state that rights are non-negotiable; not subject to restriction. Don't get yourself in a self-righteous knot, though. This is not quite the same as shooting people since the other people in the theater have some control over whether they panic and stampede or not. Still, if you cause a panic and people are injured or killed, you will be held accountable. If a theater owner wants to make certain that you do not cause a panic, would it be within her rights to cut out your tongue before allowing you into the theater? Not at all. She could tell everyone that false alarms will not be tolerated and if you cause one, you will be held financially responsible for any damages, and will face punishment for any harm that your actions cause anyone. If you have done this even once, I am quite sure you would not be welcome in any theater that knew of your actions. You should not be punished for "crimes" you have not yet committed, nor should you be denied your rights or property in order to prevent you from committing these potential "future crimes". Unfortunately, this is what the US police-state attempts to do. It is the entire foundation of victim disarmament "laws".
The First Amendment forbids government interference with speech. It also quite obviously protects your freedom to air your disagreements with the government or its indigenous vermin. I believe that freedom of speech is specifically about protecting unpopular speech. If just about everyone agrees with what you have to say, no one would be likely to try to stop you from saying it. If, however, your words are inflammatory, then dictators are likely to try to silence your dissent or to put you in a "free speech zone" where your words will have less of an impact if they are heard at all. Remember this when you hear authoritarians talking about "hate speech" or "religious extremist speech". Whether you agree with what is being said or not, do all you can to protect the speaker's right to be heard. You may be next on the list to be silenced.
The First Amendment forbids government interference with speech. It also quite obviously protects your freedom to air your disagreements with the government or its indigenous vermin. I believe that freedom of speech is specifically about protecting unpopular speech. If just about everyone agrees with what you have to say, no one would be likely to try to stop you from saying it. If, however, your words are inflammatory, then dictators are likely to try to silence your dissent or to put you in a "free speech zone" where your words will have less of an impact if they are heard at all. Remember this when you hear authoritarians talking about "hate speech" or "religious extremist speech". Whether you agree with what is being said or not, do all you can to protect the speaker's right to be heard. You may be next on the list to be silenced.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Democrat vs. Republican - Yawn
Government is all a game; there is no difference but in name. Yet, coming from a republicanoid background as I do (did?), the sight of Democrat congresscritters celebrating their coup sends chills down my spine. I must continually remind myself that, once again, these are all still the same old authoritarians who believe they have a divine or social mandate to run my life as they see fit. I am just an unknown pawn in their game called "The United States". I am worse than anonymous to them; they don't care nor do they want to care. How is this any different from last year when the Republicans "ran things"? I used to care more deeply about the issues that the Republicans pretended to care about, but I have come to see that there is only one true issue: self ownership. Government is still all about increasing governmental "oversight" (read "control") over daily life. It is still all about "protecting" us from.... something. I forget who or what they are protecting me from today. Terrorists? Environmental doom? Guns? "Trans fats" or tobacco smoke? Sex? Fortunately I can protect myself from most of the things I need to be protected from (none of which are on the Tyrannocratic radar), and the ones I am powerless against I will take my chances with. So, thanks for the offer, government, but you can keep your "safety", and if you don't know where to put it, I could suggest a good place.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Being True to Myself
I have had a lot of well-meaning people suggest that the only way to make a name for myself in this campaign is to abandon the very things that set me apart from the other candidates. If I were comfortable with that tactic, why would I even continue to run?
I am here to remind others what "libertarian" means. If you are uncomfortable with some of the implications, then I am doing my job. I do not know everything. There are some issues and some situations I have not thought out fully, and some I have not even made myself aware of, I am sure. Anything that comes up can be solved in a true, uncompromising, libertarian, Zero Aggression Principle, sort of way. These types of solutions are permanent, not expedient, and sometimes are more difficult to embrace. Especially when we have lived in a culture of expediency and authoritarianism for so long.
I am still getting suggestions that I must change the way I dress in order to be taken seriously. George Phillies might look good in a suit; I do not. If you had never seen any pictures of me, would it change your opinion of me in any way? What if I had used a nice studio photo of a handsome model in a professional looking suit instead of a photo of myself? Would the ideas springing from my mind take on more legitimacy? I am my mind. Part of my mind makes it difficult for me to dress as others would wish I would dress. Just ask my parents. I don't do it to be difficult or to shock people, although that seems to be the general concensus. It is part of what makes me Kent McManigal. Perhaps I will take a self portrait that looks more "normal" soon. If I do, see if it changes your perception of me. If it does, then America is probably doomed.
I am here to remind others what "libertarian" means. If you are uncomfortable with some of the implications, then I am doing my job. I do not know everything. There are some issues and some situations I have not thought out fully, and some I have not even made myself aware of, I am sure. Anything that comes up can be solved in a true, uncompromising, libertarian, Zero Aggression Principle, sort of way. These types of solutions are permanent, not expedient, and sometimes are more difficult to embrace. Especially when we have lived in a culture of expediency and authoritarianism for so long.
I am still getting suggestions that I must change the way I dress in order to be taken seriously. George Phillies might look good in a suit; I do not. If you had never seen any pictures of me, would it change your opinion of me in any way? What if I had used a nice studio photo of a handsome model in a professional looking suit instead of a photo of myself? Would the ideas springing from my mind take on more legitimacy? I am my mind. Part of my mind makes it difficult for me to dress as others would wish I would dress. Just ask my parents. I don't do it to be difficult or to shock people, although that seems to be the general concensus. It is part of what makes me Kent McManigal. Perhaps I will take a self portrait that looks more "normal" soon. If I do, see if it changes your perception of me. If it does, then America is probably doomed.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Free Market
I'm on my way out the door to the modern American version of the street market: the flea market. A place where you can engage in free trade and find good products; many that were made before manufacturers discovered flimsy, plastic substitutes for wood, glass, and metal. There is a bit of an outlaw feel to the whole thing. You can haggle over a price instead of simply accepting the price that the barcode scanner demands. You can suggest a trade, or pay with your silver or gold coins. You can stumble upon treasures never imagined to exist if you dig through the boxes that no one else wants to take the time to explore. You can meet vendors who can't fit into the mainstream job market (for whatever reason) and who are more interesting for their differences.
If there is a flea market in your area (and I am sure there is) give it a try, if you haven't already. In its own way, it is a little bit of anarchy in the best sense.
If there is a flea market in your area (and I am sure there is) give it a try, if you haven't already. In its own way, it is a little bit of anarchy in the best sense.
Friday, January 05, 2007
An Apology (Re-Posted From My Comments)
JK Pratt - I owe you an apology. You were simply asking a valid question and I responded sarcastically. I am truly sorry.
I have been thinking about this issue and I will say I do not believe that people get killed very often for refusal to pay taxes, since I am sure most people are intimidated into compliance sometime during the process long before it reaches the fatal confrontation. If they did not ever give up, then, and only then, would they be killed.
Thank you for making me think more about this.
I have been thinking about this issue and I will say I do not believe that people get killed very often for refusal to pay taxes, since I am sure most people are intimidated into compliance sometime during the process long before it reaches the fatal confrontation. If they did not ever give up, then, and only then, would they be killed.
Thank you for making me think more about this.
Rights Redux
I suppose that in light of recent discussions I should make clear that I do not think that "rights" come from government, nor do I think that government has any authority to restrict rights. I have written this all before, I realize, but it bears repeating, I suppose. Rights existed before government and rights will outlast government. The problem we have is that government does not want you to recognize this fact. Government wants you to think that they grant you a right, perhaps by passing a "Bill of Rights", and that therefore, government can take away or restrict that right. This is not a description of a "right, but of a "privilege". Privileges can be restricted or outright revoked. Rights can not.
People do not always use their rights in a good way. This is illustrated by the ubiquitous example of "shouting 'Fire!' in a crowded theater". This would be a stupid and evil thing to do, but this also doesn't mean that everyone who goes into a theater must have their tongue cut out in advance to keep them from shouting "fire". If guns offend you, you have a right to not own one, but you do not have a right to forbid your neighbor from owning one. I have a right to carry an AK-47 down the streets in New York City if I choose to do so, though the city would undoubtedly choose to immorally arrest me if I did, but I do not have a right to point that gun at innocent people. The citizens of New York City do not have a right to not be offended or frightened by the sight of a gun. No one has rights that are more important than anyone else's rights. "Your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose."
Rights are absolute, but not everything is a right. You have a right to live, and to defend your life. You have a right to live as you see fit, as long as you do not infringe on the rights of others. You have a right to do what you enjoy as long as you do not violate the rights of others. You have a right to avoid involuntary servitude: the fruits of your time and labor belongs to you alone, unless you choose to share or give it away. On the other hand, you do not have a right to "universal government paid health care", or a right to walk through a crowd swinging a sword, a right to not breathe second-hand smoke, or a right to not be offended. Stop and think a moment and it is easy to see the difference between a right and something that is not a right.
Are some people so devoid of personal responsibility that they fear that if they own and carry defensive weapons they will suddenly lose control of themselves and become murderous maniacs? Or is this what they fear that you and I will do?
I believe that by looking at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights we can see how far America has fallen from what it was established to be: a beacon of liberty. If we could somehow get America back in line with the Constitution, I could live with that. I really want a truly free country where no one would ever need to fear the government as long as they are not initiating force or fraud on another person. No constitution can ever guarantee that. Personal responsibility can.
People do not always use their rights in a good way. This is illustrated by the ubiquitous example of "shouting 'Fire!' in a crowded theater". This would be a stupid and evil thing to do, but this also doesn't mean that everyone who goes into a theater must have their tongue cut out in advance to keep them from shouting "fire". If guns offend you, you have a right to not own one, but you do not have a right to forbid your neighbor from owning one. I have a right to carry an AK-47 down the streets in New York City if I choose to do so, though the city would undoubtedly choose to immorally arrest me if I did, but I do not have a right to point that gun at innocent people. The citizens of New York City do not have a right to not be offended or frightened by the sight of a gun. No one has rights that are more important than anyone else's rights. "Your right to swing your fist ends at the tip of my nose."
Rights are absolute, but not everything is a right. You have a right to live, and to defend your life. You have a right to live as you see fit, as long as you do not infringe on the rights of others. You have a right to do what you enjoy as long as you do not violate the rights of others. You have a right to avoid involuntary servitude: the fruits of your time and labor belongs to you alone, unless you choose to share or give it away. On the other hand, you do not have a right to "universal government paid health care", or a right to walk through a crowd swinging a sword, a right to not breathe second-hand smoke, or a right to not be offended. Stop and think a moment and it is easy to see the difference between a right and something that is not a right.
Are some people so devoid of personal responsibility that they fear that if they own and carry defensive weapons they will suddenly lose control of themselves and become murderous maniacs? Or is this what they fear that you and I will do?
I believe that by looking at the Constitution and the Bill of Rights we can see how far America has fallen from what it was established to be: a beacon of liberty. If we could somehow get America back in line with the Constitution, I could live with that. I really want a truly free country where no one would ever need to fear the government as long as they are not initiating force or fraud on another person. No constitution can ever guarantee that. Personal responsibility can.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
I highly recommend that you watch the cancelled FOX network TV show Firefly. It is a science fiction/space-western. The principles are not strictly libertarian, but it is pretty good entertainment without the state-worship so prevalent today. Plus, it is just very fun to watch. There is also a feature movie, Serenity, which is a sequel to the series.
I am not associated in any way with anyone who gets money from a purchase or rental of Firefly, but plug it here strictly for your anti-state enjoyment.
As a point of interest (or, perhaps, not): Many of us "Freedom Outlaws" now refer to ourselves as "Fireflies", in part because of this show, and a suggestion from Claire Wolfe, the demi-goddess of freedom.
I am not associated in any way with anyone who gets money from a purchase or rental of Firefly, but plug it here strictly for your anti-state enjoyment.
As a point of interest (or, perhaps, not): Many of us "Freedom Outlaws" now refer to ourselves as "Fireflies", in part because of this show, and a suggestion from Claire Wolfe, the demi-goddess of freedom.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
More on the Second Amendment
I suppose the whole issue of "interpreting" the Second Amendment is very upsetting to some people. Funny. Since that is what courts have been doing for years. The Second Amendment is not difficult to understand. The opening statement, by mentioning a "militia", seems to be a big part of the contention, even though that only explained why the founders thought it was necessary, but didn't limit its scope in any way. It would be like me saying "Gold coins being necessary for the purchase of a good meal, the right of the people to own and to spend gold coins shall not be infringed". It does not limit the owning of gold coins to only people who wish to eat "a good meal".
Another problem I have is that it seems very few people understand what "infringed" means. Let's go back to my gold coin analogy. Suppose your "right" is a gold coin. If someone shaves a little bit off the edge, they have infringed that coin. It may not even show up without a microscopic examination, but the damage is done. Those shavings can never be returned to their proper place, and each one steals a bit of value from the coin.
People who have an issue with my interpretation of the Second Amendment should read the writings of the founders from the time of the adoption of The Bill of Rights if they don't believe me. You will find that they did mean for it to be understood just as I understand it. You might find that I am a radical; yet I am not wrong.
Another problem I have is that it seems very few people understand what "infringed" means. Let's go back to my gold coin analogy. Suppose your "right" is a gold coin. If someone shaves a little bit off the edge, they have infringed that coin. It may not even show up without a microscopic examination, but the damage is done. Those shavings can never be returned to their proper place, and each one steals a bit of value from the coin.
People who have an issue with my interpretation of the Second Amendment should read the writings of the founders from the time of the adoption of The Bill of Rights if they don't believe me. You will find that they did mean for it to be understood just as I understand it. You might find that I am a radical; yet I am not wrong.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I Am a Radical
I am a radical. There is no sense denying it. Like most of you, though, I am not a violent radical, unless I get attacked. I think radical actions need to be taken in order to save America from government extremism.
First of all, Americans need to be educated about what freedom really is. Then they will see that government is the opposite of liberty. This is what I attempt to do every day.
Second, they need to be shown that there is always an alternative to government intervention and control. We do not need to roll over and cooperate every time some pin-head with a badge or a zombie with a title gives us an order. Think before you comply.
For years I tried to fit into the mainstream of "average Joe-American" political thought. It didn't work for me. I could see the "man behind the curtain" too clearly, and could see that he was totally without merit. So I sit here sharing my awakening with you, hoping that it will make you think; even if you don't agree with me. This is what makes me a radical.
As has been often quoted and paraphrased: "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"
Karl Hess for Sen. Barry Goldwater; attributed to Cicero.
First of all, Americans need to be educated about what freedom really is. Then they will see that government is the opposite of liberty. This is what I attempt to do every day.
Second, they need to be shown that there is always an alternative to government intervention and control. We do not need to roll over and cooperate every time some pin-head with a badge or a zombie with a title gives us an order. Think before you comply.
For years I tried to fit into the mainstream of "average Joe-American" political thought. It didn't work for me. I could see the "man behind the curtain" too clearly, and could see that he was totally without merit. So I sit here sharing my awakening with you, hoping that it will make you think; even if you don't agree with me. This is what makes me a radical.
As has been often quoted and paraphrased: "I would remind you that extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice! And let me remind you also that moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue!"
Karl Hess for Sen. Barry Goldwater; attributed to Cicero.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Visit My Website
I keep running into people asking questions about things that I have previously explained on my website. It is there so that you can read my views on issues that remain fairly constant. This blog is for things that just strike my thoughts in passing, or breaking news items. If you are interested in what I have to say, my website is a good place to start. Then, if you wonder what I think about the news of the day, my blog should address that. If it doesn't; ask me.
The Second Amendment (for the Learning Impared)
"Because a Very Effective, Armed, Population is Essential in order for America to stay Free and safe, the Absolute Right of Everyone to Own and to Carry any type of Weapon they choose, in any way they wish, anywhere they see fit, cannot be regulated, licensed, or even questioned in the smallest way!"
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