Sunday, November 12, 2006

Rights vs. Authority

People, individual humans, have "rights". Government has only "authority". Rights trump authority every time. It is like a game of "rock, paper, scissors" where "rights" will always win. Government can't even play. Government authority is a big, fancy ice sculpture trying to stand against the flamethrower of individual rights. Since rights are absolute, two or more people (such as government) have no more rights than one person. This may not be a popular view, but it is the correct one. People have been conditioned to think that government, through its authority, "gives" us rights, but this is backwards. We, as individuals, give government authority. Since the authority comes from the people, the people can take it away. Our rights do not come from government, so government cannot take them away. Once you realize the hierarchy of rights and authority, government becomes less scary, and begins to lose power over your life. Which is exactly what government doesn't want.

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