Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Privacy means different things to different people. Some people believe that if you do not disclose every tiny detail of your life you are hiding something. Others believe that "it ain't nobody's business". Where do you draw the line? Do you need to know the sexual orientation of the guy across the room? Do you need to know if your cousin smokes pot? What if your hairdresser has a fully automatic AK-47? On the other hand, it would be good to know if your doctor keeps botching proceedures; this is a public, not private concern. Unless or until private issues affect you in some direct way, you have no right to know anything about any of these peoples' private lives. People who feel the need to know things like this used to be called "busy-bodies". The state in all its twisted forms has become the worst busy-body the world has ever known. It is populated and run by shrivelled little tyrants who have nothing better to do than to try to snoop, then catagorize, then persecute every little "deviation" from what they believe should be. This is the reason for our national ID (also known as "driver's licenses") and for Social Security numbers. (Did you know that in most cases it is a federal crime for businesses to ask for yours, and to use SSNs as identification numbers?) Government, for its own purposes, wants to learn everything it can about you, then use that information to control the aspects of your life that it does not approve of. Guess what.... you do not need the approval of government, but it does require YOUR approval. Stop giving that approval and starve the monster. Do not do anything that makes government snooping easier. I'm not saying structure your life so that it is difficult for you to function, just don't help them out. Your private life is your business, unless you choose to make it someone else's business. Choose carefully.

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