Saturday, September 16, 2006

"Libertopian" America

I wish I had the foresight to be able to tell you exactly what to expect in a truly free America. I wish I could tell you all of the wonderful, exciting new things in store for us, as well as any pitfalls that we could avoid by planning now. I can't, though. Neither can anyone else. In all the history of the world, there has never been a truly free country. We have no real-world models to point to for examples. Some people dwell on the fact that no one quite knows how the road system would work itself out in a free country, so they timidly cling to the current government monopoly instead of realizing that taking chances can be exhilarating and liberating. I know there may be times that, at first, things may not be smooth in the transition. That is to be expected. As long as we refuse to settle for less than true liberty, we will find the way that works. I can think of several areas that some might be convinced that government control is the only way to protect our interests. Food and drug safety, doctor licensing, border guards, disaster recovery, and such are some areas that have been mentioned to me. I can see free-market solutions to most of these things that I think would actually work better that the current system. To act like frightened children and stubbornly cling to the familiar is a type of Stockholm Syndrome; identifying and sympathizing with your captors. Let's free ourselves and begin the exciting journey into the unknown world of Libertopian America.


  1. Kent, is it true that - as Gene Chapman wrote on a napkin, which he then gave to his mom - you are running just to be the captain of your "little debate team"? ;-)

    Nope, I'm not making that up. It's on his blog. Well, he didn't say you in particular, but all third party candidates. Still, you're a third-party candidate, and was nice enough to be on his pretend radio show, so that's not very nice.

  2. I see his comment. Funny comment, since I have no "team". What is really funny is that during his interview of me for his "radio" show, he asked about "communists" and I told him that I believe there are only "authoritarians" and "libertarians", and that all other labels are to hide the truth. Or something to that effect. Now he thinks he has had this epiphany. I guess I find it hard to get too worked up over some of these things.

  3. I thought that was some good insight Kent. I had never heard it put that way.

    there are only "authoritarians" and "libertarians"

    I think it shows you've done some reading.

    Thanks for blogging. What do you think about doing a conference call with Gene Chapman and one other presidential candidate, say Doug Stanhope or Christine Smith?

  4. Yep, Kent, that's exactly what he did.

  5. Yes, Kent. You seeded this idea.

    Gene Chapman

  6. Gene and Doug: I apologize for jumping to the conclusion that you were claiming the idea as your original idea. It is not an original idea of mine, either. I have heard arguements of this sort made for years. It probably originates more with L. Neil Smith than anyone else, or at least that is probably where I was first exposed to it.

  7. This is very strange. I got here by clicking on a link in Gene's site. My browser still says I'm in Gene Chapman's website. This always happens when Doug posts a link, no matter where that link is going.

    This appears to be theft of intellectual property, unless I'm missing something.
