Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Few "Good Apples"?

Whenever the latest murder-by-cop occurs, I hear the state's apologists say "yes, there are a few 'bad apples', but not all cops are bad". Hmmm. Interesting speculation. Care to try proving it?

I do believe there are good EX-cops; I have met them and they usually hate the new crop even more than I do. I think there may even be some new cops who have not been dragged down by the hubris and "us vs. them" inherent in the system, although I think police training weeds almost all of the good people out before they even start the job. I don't think it is possible to remain a good person, and have a career in "law enforcement". Not anymore.

It is my contention that if there were a significant number of "good cops" out there, they would be exposing and eliminating the rot that wears the badges in today's police state. And the disgusting tyrants who send them out into the world. Where are these mythical "good cops"? Why are they silent?

So, until I see evidence otherwise, I will continue to assume that LEOs are really "Liberty Eradication Operatives" who earn the eternal, justifiable, contempt of free good people with their every action.


1 comment:

  1. Kent,
    I have to agree with you wholeheartedly on this post. I know plenty of cops, and for the most part they all have a sense of right and wrong, the problem being their right and wrong is dictated to them by a criminal statute book.

    They are so authoritarian that I have heard several make the comment that, "It doesn't matter what the president does, he is the president, we have to support him." I know that may sound off topic, but it goes to show that they are so indoctrinated to follow those above them that they will do so regardless of moral obligations, which have long ago passed to the wayside.

    Just for clarification the cops I have mentioned have said this about Bush during his presidency, and have also made the same claim about the upcoming Obama presidency. They claim it does not matter what bungles, mistakes, outright lies, etc... they may do, we owe them support and should not question them or their motives.

    Honestly, this diatribe I hear from them makes me sick.
