Friday, April 23, 2010

Liberty is not a cult of personality

I notice how often people who disagree with me find it necessary to attack me personally. That's about the worst way to try to make their point I can think of.

Of all people, I know I have faults, and I know what most of them are. I even have a list. That doesn't change facts.

I could be the most awful person to have ever crawled out from under a bridge, but that has no bearing on Liberty. Right is right, no matter who acknowledges it, and no matter if I live up to it or not.

The rightness of liberty, and of libertarianism, is not dependent upon me being perfect. It is not a cult of personality. Whether I am here or not, whether I believe in Liberty or not, nothing substantive has changed. When I am not perfect I know I fail to live up to my principles, but at least I have them.

So, if you hate me, that's fine. But attack the concepts I am talking about instead of pathetically trying to bring me down, thinking it will discredit Liberty and libertarianism. It won't. I am not that important.

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