Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Libertarian Troll Bingo

I found this over at Adventures In Frickintardistan, so I thought I'd play. I didn't get a "Bingo", though. Maybe I need to embrace more of the non-libertarian ideas it portrays so I can win! Nah, I keep forgetting, I am a hooligan libertarian and an anarchist!

Disclaimer: I really can't rightly claim to "get" the free space. I am male, and probably mostly "white" (to the racists), but I'm not young and I have no haircut at all.

Added: Here's what we came up with.



  1. Hey Kent! We should make our own Statist Troll Bingo!

    Here are some ideas:

    * Direct democracy will save us all!
    * Some wars are justified. Really! I swear!
    * "Without police/law, people would just pillage and kill each other!"
    * "If you don't vote, you can't complain"
    * "If there was no military, you'd speak German right now"
    * "Without government helping them, the poor would just die in the streets"

    Any more ideas?

    I could post on my board and get more ideas. Would you post the final card on your blog? ;)

  2. How about your own: "Who would build the roads?"

    *"You don't really want your neighbor to own a NUKE, do you?"

    *"Rights must be subject to reasonable limitations."

    *"If you don't like the government, move to Russia."

    *"If you don't like the rules, work within the system to change them."

    *"God has placed our 'leaders' over us."

    *"Border security must keep out the terrorists/Mexicans/undesirables."

    *"support our troops"

    It's an endless list, really. And those are just the quotes, not the traits that ones runs into on a daily basis.

    Send me your completed board. As long as the language passes my censor (me), I'll post it.

  3. These are great suggestions. I'll add them to the list and post it on my board. I'll get more suggestions and then make a board and post it on my blog.

  4. BTW, I didn't get a bingo either, although I almost got one on the last horizontal line.

  5. Okay, here is my board:
    What do you think?

  6. What is the last "S" in TANSTAAFS?

    Looks good... could you do it in a different font that is easier to read?

  7. There ain't no such thing as a free square

    Not sure about the font, do you mean a serif font?
