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Those who want you to doubt that anarchy (self-ownership and individual responsibility) is the best, most moral, and ethical way to live among others are asking you to accept that theft, aggression, superstition, and slavery are better.
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Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Government – even parts you like – is problem
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Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Deniers of liberty on wrong side
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Statists clinging to their anchor
Statists will perform seemingly impossible mental gymnastics to justify government.
They'll abandon their morals while pretending they aren't doing so. They'll change their opinions as soon as "their side" is doing something they've always said was wrong when "the other side" did it.
They'll put aside their (other) religious beliefs to keep faithful to The State when the two clash.
They'll redefine (or misdefine) words. Or they'll deny words mean anything at all.
They'll support destructive legislation, sometimes even if it hurts them, because they fear liberty and don't trust anyone. Everything not forbidden must be mandatory!
They'll advocate anything they think will help "their side" of the statist monster gain power over "the other side" of the same monster.
They'll hate when the right thing is done, or love when the wrong thing is done, based upon who's doing the doing, rather than what they are doing. It's about the teams, not the actions.
They'll see different political sides where it's not political. They believe "everything is political" only because they make everything political.
But, mostly, they'll do whatever it takes to avoid admitting they are doing any of those things. Because, deep down, they believe the state is legitimate; they imagine that governing others is a legitimate human endeavor. They'll do anything to be able to keep believing this. It looks to me as though it scares them to let go of this anchor.
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Monday, February 17, 2025
As a mental exercise, start with the assumption that everything is untrue or wrong, then move things into the "true" (or "provisionally true") category as you test them.
See where things lead.
Is anything true, or is it all "mental constructs"? Does "mental construct" automatically mean it's wrong? Can you consider anything without it being at least partially a "mental construct"?
If there are things which are true, does it matter? Does it only matter if the answer hurts you (or others) immediately?
Is it more important to understand what isn't true than what is; to recognize "negative truths"-- which aren't exactly the same as lies? (Think "negative rights".)
Are some people qualified to run the lives of others? What about people they don't know personally? Who is, and under what conditions?
Is taking what others own something other than theft under certain circumstances? Is theft justifiable? When, and under what conditions?
If you hadn't been trained from an early age to see government as inevitable and necessary, and you were unfamiliar with the concept, could you be convinced to accept it now?
Is your life worth living, and is unnecessary death to be avoided?
Is liberty better than slavery? For whom and under what conditions? What does "better" mean? Is the answer the same for everyone?
Can someone who prefers slavery tolerate seeing others choose liberty?
Is it OK to take advantage of others as long as it benefits you in some way? Is your answer the same if the roles are reversed?
Is asking questions of yourself in this way even helpful? How?
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Sunday, February 16, 2025
Government is dangerous
One of the greatest dangers facing you and me is government. Not a specific government, but the very notion of government.
Either government alone, or-- possibly the greatest danger-- government vs. government with us caught in between.
Government causes situations that endanger us.
It meddles in other regions, creating enemies. Many of these enemies are (just like many Americans) unable or unwilling to distinguish between the government hurting them and the people in other countries who disavow what the government that rules them is doing. It isn't necessary to be my enemy just because you hate the US government. I hate it, too!
Government offers handouts, making people dependent and likely to get violent if the handouts stop. It makes people incompetent by design.
Government imports people from other countries. People who hate Americans. How does this make sense, unless it is to create trouble that you need to be resued from?
It makes it a crime for you and me to defend ourselves from freelance bad guys or from the bad guys operating on behalf of government.
Government makes up arbitrary rules that prevent you from "legally" doing things humans have always done-- things you still have the right to do-- to provide for your home.
Without government there wouldn't be excuses like "global climate change" being used against you. There wouldn't be tariffs, or egg shortages, or inflation.
Government also provokes other governments. Without government there wouldn't be missiles aimed at where you live. There wouldn't be nuclear weapons.
Government is a net negative. I understand how so many have been brainwashed to feel (not think) it is necessary. It's still a net negative.
Government doesn't create society and give us prosperity and safety. If we have those things it's because we create them ourselves in spite of everything government is doing.
The warlords used as justification by fans of government are the very government they defend.
The more who realize this, the better off we all will be.
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Saturday, February 15, 2025
DOGEd suddenly
DOGE may actually be doing what it promised.
It has hit home: a relative's federal government-financed "job" (in govschooling) has been DOGEd.
I would have more sympathy if I hadn't spent a lifetime being scolded for not finding a "good" government "job". Not by this individual, but by others who held this person up as an example I should aspire to.
I mean, I do have some sympathy. But I know this person is a Trump supporter, so I'm not sure how she feels about this. If she's consistent and principled, she'll accept this as necessary. The TDS-sufferers in the family will have a different take on events.
I've warned family members about accepting government "jobs"- but most of them either work in govschool or are retired from govschool. It was pointless and counterproductive to keep hammering the point, but if asked, I didn't hide my opinion. I'm not going to say "I told you so", or really make any comment at all. This is a time to hold my tongue and observe.
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Friday, February 14, 2025
One person's "creepy" is another's "possibly wholesome"
Someone posted this picture and commented "Creepy".
I don't find it creepy at all. I find it helpful and compassionate. An example of someone being part of the solution rather than contributing to the problem.
Plus, judging by the patch, she may be a Browncoat.
One of those big, influential Republican "libertarian" accounts said this is "a drug dealer who will touch you". Others said it's probably a guy (and that this proves ill-intent), who needs shampoo, is a pedo, and will rape you.
On the whole, most people were aligned against this person. I think, without knowing more, making the assumptions they made about this person is just sad.
It shows me what others think of me any time I reach out to help a stranger. The assumptions they will make about my motivations and character. If I cared more about what people think, it might make me change my behavior.
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Thursday, February 13, 2025
Pleasantly surprised, but greedy
I've said all along that DOGE is misguided; the worst possible thing is a more efficient government. It needs to be destroyed and dismantled.
There's not a single government agency, bureau, or function that I would allow to continue, in any form, if it were in my power to shut it down. Not a one.
However, I have been pleasantly surprised. DOGE is doing more dismantling than I expected it would do. Or, trying to do so. You can tell by who is most vocal in opposition.
Is it enough? Is it fast enough? Not even close, but it appears to be moving in the right direction, and moving in the right direction is better than not moving at all or moving in the wrong direction. Which is the general trend in American history or the history of any political government.
I don't care who's doing it, I only care if it gets done. I'm greedy and I want more!
Crooked politicians and judges will keep trying to stop the progress. Those who have been benefitting from the money pipeline will scream about how ending government handouts to them is "fascist". They'll whine that it's not "constitutional" for unelected people to expose the crimes of unelected people. And those of the elected criminals, too. Their tears get no sympathy from me.
Criticisms are justified. You can argue that I'm deluding myself. Whatever. I know DOGE won't touch some of the worst things that government does. I want the ATF nuked from orbit, and I know I'm not going to be given that gift. I'll take what I can get, though.
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Wednesday, February 12, 2025
More government won't make it smaller
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Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Time to stop respecting political authority
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The arguments for DST
I follow an account on X that advocates for deleting "Daylight Saving Time". This has resulted in debates with DST advocates, which has taught me some things about their view of the world.
Primarily, and at the foundation, nearly all supporters of DST believe anyone who prefers standard time is a "lazy bum who wants to sleep all day". This is where every discussion eventually ends up. It's their gotcha.
Beyond that--
I've come to discover how few of them realize the sun sets later (and rises earlier) in the summer, giving more hours of daylight no matter what you do with the clocks. I thought everyone knew this. Apparently not.
They'll argue that "everyone prefers DST", but when I suggest that if this is the case, businesses will simply choose to open and close an hour earlier in summer to make people happy (like they are already doing under DST, while pretending this isn't what they are doing), I'm told this wouldn't work because there are too many "lazy bums who want to sleep all day".
They'll claim they don't care which clock setting is chosen, as long as the clock changing stops. But, when I say, "OK, then we can just stay on standard time", they have a meltdown, saying that's not what they meant. Then it goes back to accommodating "lazy bums".
If pressed at this point, they'll even say we need to keep the twice-a-year "time change" to avoid staying with permanent standard time.
There's more--
They've told me there's no such thing as circadian rhythms.
I've been told it doesn't matter where the hands of the clock point (as long as the clock is on DST) so I shouldn't care-- while they express how deeply they care that I be forced to adopt their clock setting.
They've told me that time zones are arbitrary (which suggests they've never traveled very far east or west); apparently unaware they are based on when the sun is at its zenith in a general region.
If we're going to ignore noon anyway, let's just adopt the One World Clock (UTC), and go with that (which I oppose as much as I oppose DST). But they don't like that, either.
They've told me that permanent standard time would disrupt international business and put America out of sync with the rest of the world. I don't even know how to respond to that weapons-grade lack of awareness.
They've told me that people who want permanent standard time don't love their kids (or don't have kids) and don't want their kids to have the "extra" daylight.
But, mostly, I'm told-- time after time-- that if I don't embrace DST it's only because I am a lazy bum who wants to sleep all day. And that, to them, ends the discussion.
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Monday, February 10, 2025
Faking data
Let me tell you about the time I faked data "for science".
My Wildlife Management class was assigned to survey the number of squirrels and squirrel nests in a plot of woods on the university campus. It was a wild area of many acres beside the remote free parking lot. A perfect place for hiding corpses, if someone is into that sort of thing.
The class divided into groups. Every group was free to choose their methods of survey, and we were to extrapolate from our observations to the entire area and write up a report. The group I was in decided on our method and chose a time and date to meet.
At the designated hour, we met and headed off into the woods with our notebooks. Then things fell apart.
A little backstory. I spent nearly all my time in the woods-- when I wasn't forced to be somewhere else. Rain, snow, heat, whatever. And, among friends and family, I am envied as the person mosquitos ignore. I taste bad to them or something, and many times I am completely unbothered while the people with me are covered with ravenous mosquitos and going insane from the misery.
The mosquitos in those woods that day had never heard that I should be ignored. My group fled the woods without documenting a single squirrel or squirrel nest. We were all covered in huge, white welts when we had run far enough from the trees to stop and compare. It was a new (unpleasant) experience for me. Later I found out all the other groups had done the same.
Yet, we all turned in "reports", and the "reports" were all similar enough to look like human error or like different methods of extrapolation could explain them.
Science is real and can be trusted. Humans can't be trusted to do real science when there's an incentive to make stuff up. Whether it's a bias, money, or a swarm of giant hungry mosquitos.
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Sunday, February 09, 2025
The insult that's a compliment
There's one attempted insult that shouldn't bother you even a little: "You think you’re better than other people".
Malcolm Reynolds handled it wisely by responding, "Just the ones I'm better than". In reality, it's even easier than that.
Anyone who utters those words already knows they have a significant flaw you're lacking. The statement is an admission. It may as well be a compliment. Be happy and move on.
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Saturday, February 08, 2025
Don't be distracted by USAID
USAID is bad, but the root problem is archation.
Archation is when life, liberty, and property (natural human rights) are violated. The biggest violator is, and always has been, political government: The State.
The State steals your money through taxation and inflation (wherein it counterfeits "money", making your money worth less). It then uses this stolen money against your rights.
There's no way to ethically spend stolen money. Spending it on USAID is part of that crookedness. It's evil, but it isn't the root evil.
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Friday, February 07, 2025
Overwhelming craziness all around us
The world has gone utterly insane. I mean, the people in the world. (Yeah, I know it's not exactly a new development.)
Try to hold on while everyone around you screams for authoritarianism and delusion to be served up just the way they want it, according to their dulled tastes. Stick to your ethical principles even when all the unethical ("normal") people, with their pragmatism and statist agendas, are against you. Right or Left.
Are we witnessing the death throes of authoritarianism, or is the authoritarian dragon just rolling over to find a comfortable position after lying on the same side for too long? Most likely, it's the latter, but I'll keep hoping it's the former. This dragon is not your friend; it's not on your side. Even if it does some things you like, by eating the ugly monsters who have been slashing at you with their swords and pitchforks. It's making way for others to slash at your liberty.
We'll watch and see how this goes. It's interesting, if nothing else.
Keep prepping. Maybe everything will be fine. If it all goes kablooie, you won't have the kind of warning you expect. You won't have a chance to do those things you're waiting for the last minute to do. Go ahead and take care of them as soon as possible. If nothing happens, you'll still be better off.
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Thursday, February 06, 2025
The "I oppose DEI" challenge accepted
You've got a deal.
I oppose diversity, equity, and inclusion. I oppose ALL of it.
Would this person want to know why?
I oppose diversity of competence, which is what DEI advocates are really pushing. It's stupid and dangerous. Any other types of diversity are irrelevant and no one who matters cares. I want competent people- of any type- doing the jobs that are critically important.
I oppose equity, because it is impossible to achieve it without striving for the lowest common denominator. Equity is death. It denies that everyone alive has equal and identical rights, and makes everyone equally enslaved. It is evil and I oppose it.
I oppose inclusion for the sake of inclusion. I respect the natural human right of association. If you want or need an exclusive space and don't want me there, that's your right even if it hurts my feelings. Not everyone needs access to everywhere. And if you're excluded, make your own space.
Yes, that means the "Libertarian Party" has a right to kick out statists. It means women's organizations have a right to exclude men. It means churches have a right to exclude atheists or people who hold incompatible beliefs. It means you have a fundamental human right to choose who you associate with, even if I think you're being rude or dumb.
I also have a right to tell people what I think of you for excluding people based on your criteria if I disagree with what you're doing. What I don't have a right to do is use legislation or coercion to force you to change your admittance policy.
I think in most cases, groups would benefit by letting in more people with more points of view. They don't benefit by letting in people who just want to join so they can whine and destroy the group from the inside.
Is that specific enough for the authoritarian bigot who made the challenge?
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Wednesday, February 05, 2025
Respecting liberty seems too radical for our [sic] government
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Tuesday, February 04, 2025
Keep reaching for a little more liberty
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Did the tariffs work?
Just so you remember: Evil often "works" and is thus pragmatic.
If a threatened tariff gets a government to give another government something, it worked (at least in the short term).
Theft can get you a new car.
Kidnapping can get you a "girlfriend".
And a tariff can get you concessions.
It's still not right, even if it "works". Especially when it violates life, liberty, or property and moves in the direction of more authoritarianism.
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Monday, February 03, 2025
Tariffs expose economic ignorance
People supporting tariffs clearly demonstrate they don't understand economics. They might have a superficial understanding, based on economically ignorant claims, but no more than that.
The only people who pay tariffs are you, me, and other customers. Not the other country, not the tariffing government, not the exporting company, not the importing company-- the customers. Just like customers are the only ones who pay corporate taxes and other taxes said to be imposed on the rich and powerful on behalf of "the regular people". It can't be any other way in the real world.
But you'll pay more than just the higher prices on imported products. You'll end up paying more for "domestic" products and services.
Tariffs reduce competition. If products from Country A cost more for customers in Country B, because of Country B's tariffs, then businesses in Country B face less competition and can raise prices.
Their own costs will also increase because of the tariffs for the reasons pointed out above, so they'll have to anyway if they want to stay in business.
When the local Salvation Army store closed, Goodwill’s prices doubled. Or more. Not because Goodwill's expenses increased, but because there was no one in town competing with them to keep their prices lower. Plus Goodwill probably got more donations since they were now the only game in town if you wanted to empty out a closet or shed. It would have worked the same if the Salvation Army had been tariffed and Goodwill hadn't.
I've been scolded by people telling me the tariffs will lower the prices I pay. I hope they're right, but I know they aren't. Of course, I'm told this by people who believe, due to their short-sightedness, that their business/industry will immediately benefit, so take it with a cargo container of salt.
Economic ignorance is the most common thing on earth. Politics is a primary cause of feeling confident in bad ideas you don't understand.
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Sunday, February 02, 2025
Statists lie
Statists lie. And they frequently rely on newer definitions to help them lie.
Language evolves. I understand that and I don't even care when it evolves naturally. What I do care about is when language is manipulated in order to push an agenda. This is not the same as language evolving- this is language being hacked apart and sewn back together in a Frankenstein's Monster to serve an agenda.
It still looks generally human, that is to say, legitimate, but the integrity of the language that permits clear communication is lost in the process.
I've also noticed they'll switch between definitions as needed to keep their point alive. There's no integrity.
When this happens, there's really nothing you can say (because "words are just words"). Those relying on the manipulated language to "prove" their point just show the neo-definitions or whatever they need and that's that.
Yes, it's dishonest, but as I say, statists lie. It's almost a defining characteristic; you can't support political government and its various programs and efforts while staying honest. So, they manipulate language and then strut around like pigeons on a chessboard.
I also realize most people don't care. To them, words don't have any set meaning; they are just a mental construct and can change every day if convenient. I'm not sure how they expect clear communication to occur if that's the case. Maybe they don't care about that, either.
It's irritating, but it works on observers who buy the garbage they are selling and aren't aware it's garbage.
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Saturday, February 01, 2025
Diversity of completely irrelevant characteristics like sex, "race", sexuality, etc. doesn't matter. It's not important. It can be ignored. It should be ignored.
Diversity of competence is stupid. It's a disaster and needs to be rejected totally.
Focusing on the diversity of irrelevant characteristics guarantees a diversity of competence because it takes attention away from what's important. It's a method to dilute competence and to take unreasonable chances.
Some individuals of every sex, "race", sexuality, or any other irrelevant characteristic like these are competent in every realm. They don't need to be propped up by dangerous policies.
It's OK to not be competent in every realm, but everyone can be competent in something. Chase that; not the things you lack competence in, but you wish you were good at. Or, find a way to become competent in what you want to pursue.
If someone isn't competent in some area, I don't want to risk putting them in that position. If someone is competent in some area, I want them doing that, regardless of their other irrelevant qualities. It makes my life better and it is risky to exclude them.
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