We're having a bit of a cold snap. Yet I'm warm inside a house. I have a fire in the fireplace, but it isn't necessary because I have natural gas (and electricity). I even lit the fire with a butane lighter this time!
I can get clean water just by turning a handle,
I can get light and help with doing other things by flipping switches.
It really is amazing if you think about it. Or it ought to be.
I will never stop being grateful and appreciating the modern conveniences. Mainly because I've spent significant time without those things. I don't need them, but they make things easier and more comfortable.
If, every time you want light or heat, you must first make a fire-- especially if you don't have modern fire-starting equipment (including ferro rods)-- you appreciate those things more.
If thirst means you must find water and either filter and sterilize it, or hope it's "clean enough" and take your chances, you'll be grateful for tap water. A lot of cooking also requires added water. Even sanitation is made easier by having water available by turning a handle.
Electricity is amazing. It makes so many things easier or possible. I hear people even have electric snow shovels and box cutters!
There are other conveniences I could mention. Some I use, others I don't. I'm glad they are there for those who need them.
In the same vein, I've been told I should accept government because without it, civilization wouldn't have been able to come up with these things. That's bunk, of course. The market provides; government prevents innovation and places obstacles. Even if that weren't the case, I'm not thankful for the existence of a criminal gang, no matter what may come of it.
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