As I previously
mentioned, I am insanely angry over the death of a squirrel. But am I?
It's not just about the squirrel (and raccoon), or even the people who kept them. It's about the State and those reprehensible people who work for (and as) the State. It's about them having the illegitimate power to invade your house, steal your happy, healthy pets, and KILL them just because "rules". It's about the mega-karen who reported them to the State, setting this tragedy in motion. It's about those people out there mindlessly defending the actions of the enforcers. Imagine being so evil, stupid, or brainwashed that you believe you're doing the right thing by reporting someone for ignoring this kind of rule or by enforcing such rules?
This hits home for me.
I grew up keeping animals "illegally". I am also very protective of my pets. If anything could push me over the edge to where I would "decisively neutralize" State scum, something like this could flip that switch in my head. It might not be smart, but it wouldn't be wrong.
Over the years I have known others who kept animals prohibited by the regional political criminals. It never once occurred to me to report them. Not even if there had been a monetary reward for doing so. Because I'm not an evil loser.
I oppose revenge and punishment, but I embrace consequences. I want every state employee involved in committing this archation to feel the consequences. Hard! I want the karen to feel the consequences just as agonizingly. I wouldn't be upset if they all starved to death in the cold because they lost their "jobs" and no one would ever hire them again, or sell them any food or energy. I wouldn't lift a finger to save them from the consequences of their actions. Or from any random event that just happened to befall them.
Am I angry? You better believe I am.
It's about a squirrel and raccoon, but it's really not. It's about the scum that works for the State and what they are willing to do to the innocent. If they'll do this over pets, they'll do it to you over guns, money, your children, or the food you eat. There's nothing they won't use as an excuse to sacrifice you to the god of the State.
It's about the brainwashed supporters of the authoritarian State who say it’s “far-right” to acknowledge that the State goons violated a family by stealing and killing their pets. The sick statists who say they asked for it by breaking the “law”.
A bad joke? |
If this stupid lie gets enough negative attention to help their favored politicians lose elections, good. They’ve earned it. As I say, this event has made me insanely mad. It feels like I was personally invaded and violated.
Consequences are coming. If not due to this, due to something else "minor" that will finally be the trigger. There's only one way to remove yourself from the consequences being set in motion for this hideously evil crime gang: Don't work for it. If you don't work for it, don't help it tyrannize others because then you are working for it, but as a slave. The lines are clear and I don't tolerate those who cross them.