This webpage has been around for a while; I have seen it before. Apparently the goons at The Department of Homeland Stupidity quickly took down their similar site when it was exposed recently. To keep this one (from the Pennsylvania authoritards) from similarly disappearing, I printed it and then scanned it and posted the resulting picture here.
I would bet that every state has an almost identical page; all received from DHS originally. We need to show everyone that the values that America was founded upon are now labelled as "terrorism" by the US Federal Government, and by the state governments as well. Maybe this will cause some of the authoritarian-lovers to recognize who they are now supporting. I won't hold my breath.
Notice that they also fear the Gadsden "DONT TREAD ON ME" flag as a symbol of domestic terrorists. Everything is turned on its head by these traitors. "Newspeak" is here.