Friday, October 18, 2024


Thanks to a friend and reader, I'm back on my repaired laptop!
I also saved all my text files and photos. It'll take a bit of work to get everything set back up, but I'm getting there. It's such a relief!

Today, I had a follow-up appointment for my eye and it is doing great. My vision in that eye (my right) is 20/20, and my vision in the left one is 20/15! He said the right eye will probably continue to get better. I've never seen so well in my whole life. I'm also getting better at seeing close-up, but will probably always need reading glasses to be able to see to read small print. But this is awesome! I go back in a month to make sure everything is still doing well.

My blackened fingernail is actively trying to disassociate itself from my finger, but one side is still hanging on too tightly for it to fall off.

Thank you for reading.  

I won't participate in the lies

To repeat the mantra “healthy at any size” is to participate in a lie. There is a healthy BMI range (which could be debated) and the further you get from that range, the less healthy you are. Anorexic or morbidly obese, both are unhealthy. Both can kill. Either is a sign that something isn’t right.

Anorexia or obesity can’t change a person’s natural human rights at all. It neither causes someone to lose any rights nor creates new "rights". Someone isn’t evil or even wrong merely for being obese or anorexic. The very idea is absurd.

To love or show concern for someone who is obese or anorexic is kindness. My dad is morbidly obese; it would be better for him if he weren't and I won't pretend otherwise.

To encourage a person with a healthy BMI to become anorexic or obese is evil. Even if, for whatever reason, that’s what they believe they want. To facilitate their self-harm is even more evil. I don't ply my dad with food.

It’s harmful politeness or "niceness" to pretend the victim (or the facilitator) is okay.

“Transgender” is exactly the same.

It is irrelevant that there are physical or chemical/hormonal differences in the brains of people who believe they are "transgender". Schizophrenics also have differences in their brains, and it would be ridiculous to claim they aren’t mentally ill. Alzheimer's causes, or is caused by, brain differences. I suspect the same is true for anorexics and obese people. These are health problems, not self-expression. You would not be doing them a kindness by participating in the lie or encouraging them on that path.

Believing you are “transgender”— born in the “wrong body”— doesn’t make your rights go away or change them in any way. No one is evil simply for believing they are “trans”. Making "trans" seem appealing is wrong. Encouraging others to believe they are "trans" is evil. Facilitating someone’s "trans" illness by providing "gender-affirming care" [sic] is Mengele-level evil, even when the victims have been brainwashed to believe they want it. That doesn’t make it less evil.

It's also not government's business, either to prohibit it, encourage or facilitate it, nor to forbid or punish speaking up against it. Government must stay out of life.

A person has the right to cut off their healthy arm because they "identify" as a one-armed person, but helping them do so is wrong. Telling them it’s okay to do it is wrong. I heard about a woman who "identified" as a blind person and had wanted to be blind since she was a child, so she chemically blinded herself. This is clearly mental illness. If I had blinded her so her body could be more in line with her "identity", I would have committed evil, as did the psychologist who supposedly "helped" her.

Trying to help them after they’ve irreversibly mutilated or chemically damaged themselves is kind, but you aren’t obligated to do it, nor to change your life to accommodate their acquired disability. They made the choice and the consequences are entirely theirs to bear.

The same goes for "non-binary" and the dozens of imaginary "genders". They may even be worse.

This is why I will not intentionally use a person's incorrect "preferred pronouns"-- as if anyone has any right to control the pronouns others use when referring to them to a third party. I know I don’t have such a “right”. I will not participate in the lie and make things worse. I will not be a part of the problem. I care about these people too much to do that to them. I will defend them from all archation, from anywhere. That's what I am trying to do here.

I am pro-"trans" people; I am anti-"trans" activists. One is a victim, and the others are predators. Unfortunately, some of the victims become predators- misery loves company.

You can disagree. You can get angry. You can call me names. You can hate me. It makes no difference.

None of this has anything to do with the topic of drag queens. They are just clowns, and I have negative feelings about all clowns. 

Thank you for reading.