Saturday, January 11, 2025

Real crimes need individual victims

(My Eastern New Mexico News column for December 8, 2024)

President Biden was right to pardon his son, Hunter, after his conviction on gun and drug charges. Where President Biden went wrong was when he then failed to pardon everyone else who has been convicted on similar charges. People are sitting in prison today for the same acts. All such charges are bogus, regardless of who is facing them.

Everyone entangled in the justice system because of similar charges is a political prisoner. America is apparently trying to beat the old Soviet Union in the number of political prisoners.

Real crimes require a real, individual victim. The state and society are not capable of being victimized. If there is no individual victim, there is no crime.

If you use a gun to rob or murder an innocent person, you've committed a crime.
If you ignore a criminal federal agency's unconstitutional rules concerning purchasing, owning, or carrying a firearm, you haven't harmed anyone and have not committed a crime. No matter what government employees may claim.

You may still be kidnapped or killed by legislation enforcers for breaking their rules; like Little Rock, Arkansas airport executive Bryan Malinowski, recently killed by armed government agents. The enforcers are the criminals, not their victims. The criminals wore badges.

The same goes for those convicted of ignoring drug prohibition. Regardless of police state fearmongering, it's rare for anyone to force another to abuse drugs-- which would be a real crime. It's nearly always a choice.

If someone drugs your food or drink, this is an actual crime. As is misrepresenting a product you sell. If someone sells you a product you want to buy, and it kills you because you abuse it, that's on you. If there's a crime at all, it's a crime against yourself. Punishing the victims is cruel and unethical.

Crooked prosecutors will use drug or weapon charges to imprison someone when it's easier than finding a real crime. If they can't convict someone of a real crime, they should let them go. Even in the Twenty-first Century, it's still better for a hundred (or more) guilty people to go free than to imprison even one innocent person. Jailing one innocent person is inexcusable.

If Hunter Biden committed any real crimes by violating someone's life, liberty, or property, he owes restitution. That's between him and his victim; government has no part in it. The same as with any other crime committed by anyone.

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Politickey Bear

When you mix anything with politics, the original thing-- even if it was well-intentioned-- is destroyed and you are left with only politics.

Smokey Bear is responsible for more devastating wildfires than DEI and AGCC ("climate change") combined.

Humans, even when they try, aren't good at clearing out the underbrush and combustible detritus that collects in most dry-ish ecosystems. That takes nature and natural frequent fires. Let the stuff burn out frequently and the fires can't get hot enough to get through the bark and kill mature trees.

Let that stuff build up because you are "preventing forest fires/wildfires" and when a fire does occur-- and it will-- the fire will burn hotter and longer and mature trees will burn and create more heat and more will be destroyed.

It's understood science. Smokey Bear's message is mostly anti-science and anti-nature. Yes, it sounds nice and helpful, but it's not. I want to like him and his message, but I can't. I see the damage this campaign has done and continues to do,

Even controlled burns are better than nothing, but are usually carried out when it's already too late.

Nature is as subject to being ruined when mixed with politics as everything else. Cities, too. Politics ruins everything it touches. Will the residents (and former residents) of Los Angeles learn? I doubt it. Once people have their minds destroyed by politics, they rarely get them back.

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