Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Working "Within the System"

I frequently hear people discussing options for getting America back on track to being the free country that it was supposed to be. They speak of "working within the system" to accomplish this. They talk of voting for pro-liberty candidates (but then usually vote for Democrats or Republicans instead). They advocate using the jury box, but it is difficult for a free-thinker to sneak onto a jury. They blog, write letters to editors, and agitate for liberty in a thousand ways. I am all for that. We have been doing this for years as the authoritarians throw freedoms away like yesterday's dead goldfish. The dirty secret is that, if you read the Declaration of Independence you will see that the founders of America recognized that revolution, underground or open, is also within the system. It is enshrined in the writings of the minds that gave us our system. This is the reason they forbid government the authority to pass gun laws. This is not a pleasant option, but only a last resort. It is not possible for government to legitimately "outlaw" this option, either, however they might wish to do so. The only thing they can do is to punish those who choose to exercise this part of the system. It is simple desperation on their part, and exposes their refusal to stay within the bounds established for government.