Thursday, April 15, 2021

Comedy break


Breaking comedy news:

It started with a tweet and an unwise reply to that tweet by the guy exposed above.

I've written before how some people simply can't let go of Trump. Well, you're about to meet one of the faithful.

After he replied in a ridiculous way, I quote-tweeted his reply just because it was so incredibly dumb that it surprised me. I thought others should have the chance to enjoy it as much as I did.

It went on from there. I screen-shot all the replies because I thought he would eventually realize what he was doing to himself. Nope. Anyway, I redacted other participants, but if you follow the links above you can see the whole thing... until he deletes his embarrassing tweets, anyway. It takes a "special" kind of person to double down on their stupidity once it gets called out. 

So, as you can see, these people really do exist. They are just as deluded as you'd imagine. Just as immune to reality. I may update this later with new silliness he posts in reply, but only if it adds to the hilarity. Otherwise, follow the links.


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Use the new rules to your advantage

I'm against all forms of government ID.
I'm against v*ting, democracy, and political government of any sort.

I don't believe there's anything legitimate about any election, no matter who v*tes, where, or how many times. The last thing I'd want to do is make it easier for the mob to gang up on my liberty. Don't encourage that kind of bad behavior.

But... I see how the pro-ID people could use this development. If there is no ID requirement to v*te, why not embrace it? Why not take advantage of that for your side? What's stopping you? A superstitious belief that it's legitimate if done by the "rules"? It's not. And if the rules change, in spite of your warnings, you might as well go along to your advantage.

It seems that the people who want v*ter ID to be required could just decide to overwhelm the "system" with their... enthusiastic agreement to the terms... until the other side changes their minds.


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