Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Statists clinging to their anchor

Statists will perform seemingly impossible mental gymnastics to justify government.

They'll abandon their morals while pretending they aren't doing so. They'll change their opinions as soon as "their side" is doing something they've always said was wrong when "the other side" did it.

They'll put aside their (other) religious beliefs to keep faithful to The State when the two clash.

They'll redefine (or misdefine) words. Or they'll deny words mean anything at all.

They'll support destructive legislation, sometimes even if it hurts them, because they fear liberty and don't trust anyone. Everything not forbidden must be mandatory!

They'll advocate anything they think will help "their side" of the statist monster gain power over "the other side" of the same monster.

They'll hate when the right thing is done, or love when the wrong thing is done, based upon who's doing the doing, rather than what they are doing. It's about the teams, not the actions.

They'll see different political sides where it's not political. They believe "everything is political" only because they make everything political.

But, mostly, they'll do whatever it takes to avoid admitting they are doing any of those things. Because, deep down, they believe the state is legitimate; they imagine that governing others is a legitimate human endeavor. They'll do anything to be able to keep believing this. It looks to me as though it scares them to let go of this anchor.

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