It’s painful for me to be around Trumpies and TDS sufferers. Worse, since it seems most people choose to be in one pod or the other, life has become really uncomfortable lately.
In my family, the TDS sufferers have mostly withdrawn into their own pod, probably due to how emboldened the Trumpies in the family have become.
The Trumpies are even trying to "gotcha" me with things that don't apply to me- "straw men".
I still try to mind my own business.
DemoCRAPublicans are right when they are right and wrong the rest of the time. It doesn't matter which government-supremacist pod they belong to. When they are on the side of individual rights and liberty, they are on the good side, no matter their other beliefs.
Remind me again why I don't live in a cave in the wilderness. Because this youthful wish of mine keeps looking like it would have been the wiser choice. Even though I would be dead if not for modern medical procedures.
I guess I need to find a wilderness cave to retreat to occasionally. Or dig my own.
Thank you for reading.
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