Sunday, March 02, 2025

Is there gold in them there vaults?

Is there gold in Fort Knox? If so, is it more than a plating of gold over tungsten bars?

My assumption, for decades, has been that either there's no gold there or any gold within is whatever amount it takes to fool anyone who walks through and looks.

I would have to take a random sample bar, test its weight to volume against real gold, cut it in half to see what's in the middle, and then do the same for other random bars before I would be convinced that there may be actual gold bars in Fort Knox.

Or maybe it holds gold-foil-wrapped chocolate bars.

I would probably never be fully convinced it holds as much gold as the feral government claims. I don't trust government, or anyone acting on behalf of government, to tell the truth. Why would I?

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  1. Even if the whole amount is actually there, and is really gold, it's only equivalent to roughly $290 billion USD (iirc). Considering the government is over $36 TRILLION in debt, that gold isn't even remotely enough to pay off the debt.

    1. Very true.
      Plus it is all either stolen or "bought" with stolen money, so it ought to be returned to its legitimate owners.

    2. I agree. The gold in Fort Knox (if any) and the gold held by the "Federal Reserve" should be returned to the American people.

      To my mind, the only way to handle the Federal government's debt is for the American people to repudiate the Federal government and the debt they created. Then maybe we can start over, with the understanding that every political "government" is just a gang of criminal mobsters pretending to be legitimate and necessary.

    3. Yep. It's not my debt, nor is it your debt. If Congress can't cover their debt, that's their problem. Let them suffer the consequences.

  2. What if it turns out that there isn't gold there and it's revealed?

    1. Then the American people - at least, the ones with a working brain cell - will know beyond doubt that they have been lied to and swindled for generations.
