Saturday, September 28, 2024

"Forever" governance

I guess they're at it again. Well, they never stopped.

The tyrannical taterheads of government believe themselves-- and their "job"-- so important that even if the world is destroyed someone needs to be governing what's left. 

Now, they are focusing more on what happens if they are all dead, too, in some sort of merciful precision strike. They want to make sure someone who thinks like them takes their place.

This is arrogant beyond belief. Like "forever" stamps.

You and I are on our own. We always were. We could all be dead, but as long as government continues these authoritarian monsters see it as a success.

Don't be fooled. "They" are unnecessary and harmful. Any plan to keep them ruling you after a "mass casualty event" is a plan for martial law and tyranny to be imposed, to protect their power over you. Forever.

I'm curious if they are worried that an obviously rigged or fraudulent election (aren't they all?) will trigger some widespread "unrest" that is more useful than sauntering through some "taxpayer"-owned buildings. I doubt enough Americans have the courage to be that useful.

Just remember that this kind of response is not even necessary. The simple fact is, if no one obeys, no one rules. Do not comply.

Thank you for reading.  

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