Saturday, June 08, 2024

Should anything be "illegal"?

Recently someone was criticizing a state politician by saying that under his administration "nothing is illegal"... as if that were a bad thing. Of course, it wasn't true anyway.

Plus, this was immediately after complaining (again, not exactly truthfully) that this same politician had criminalized several things the speaker was in favor of.

So, which is it? It certainly can't be both.

I'm of the opinion that nothing should be outlawed by legislation. Legislation only muddles things. If something is wrong to do to others no legislation is necessary to make defense (from having it done to you) your natural human right. 

No one needs to make up legislation forbidding the act of murder to "give you the right" to defend yourself from an evil loser trying to murder you. Writing and passing any such legislation would be a pointless waste of time. You have that right whether murder has been made illegal or not, and regardless of any opinion or legislation to the contrary.

Making self-defense "illegal" can't remove the right to defend yourself (are you paying attention, Great Britain?). In this case, the legislation is the crime.

It's the same for anything you have a right to do-- anything which doesn't violate the equal and identical rights of others.

So, "nothing is illegal" is only a problem for weak, delusional people who believe government, through the police, will save them. What a pathetic belief.

Thank you for reading.  

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