Sunday, May 22, 2011

Fixing everything

While I can accept that some problems just don't have a solution, I don't like that fact. I want to fix everything. I feel very dissatisfied when there is a problem that I can't see a good solution to. It doesn't happen very often. (Getting people to admit the problem is solved is a different issue.)

The regional drought is one example. It seems there should be some solution that doesn't involve people abandoning their homes, or drastic alterations in lifestyle, or government "help". All those solutions are unpleasant, and in the case of government intervention, wrong.

I just feel there has to be a real solution that no one has yet noticed, just sitting there begging for attention. And I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that depending on government to use stolen money to build a pipeline to take water from a lake, which is subject to the same drought, is not the correct answer.


  1. The situation is like building your house on a fault line, then having an earthquake knock down your house. The article makes it sound like this drought is sudden and surprising, but most likely it's neither.

    The problem is that unwise actions are often effective at cutting off all good solutions. Unwise, in this case, is taking a risk without admitting it is a risk.

    Though I'll make an attempt anyway. Principle: anything that can't be private but can be 'public,' can instead be solved by charity.

    How much money did Japan get for that tsunami? It should be easy to solve a drought with a Vegas-style aqueduct.

    So the further problems are that people like Upham may have had little clue that the area was vulnerable to drought, and that an effective pipe solution may be prohibitively expensive.

    Unfortunately, ignorance doesn't cure the action from being unwise. It might not be her fault that she didn't think to check, but that doesn't stop the action from being bad, cutting off all good solutions.

    Which is why individuals need to take full responsibility for themselves. Be aware that everything could potentially go wrong, and realize nobody else is going to protect you, if they can possibly help it.

    Because if that pipeline is indeed too expensive, Upham is just screwed. (Alternatively, government screws over five or ten people to un-screw Upham. Go go externalizing internalities.) Since Upham didn't contract out water insurance with anyone, it isn't anyone's responsibility but her own.

    Just for completeness, a drought may actually be surprising, unlikely as it seems for New Mexico. If so, then charity should be easier; put a mention of the unforseeable nature into the pitch.

  2. I agree that being surprised by a drought in a desert region is rather pitiful.

    I live just across the state line from Curry county, and we are in the worst drought ever recorded here. Yet I still see people watering their lawns and washing their cars.

    I only live here because this is where my family all lives. If it weren't for that I would not live here. It isn't that I dislike the area, it just doesn't have what I consider necessary for my quality of life. Abundant water being one of those things. Mountains and/or wilderness being two more.

  3. Kent,
    I cant believe you havent thought of the solution, it is soooooo simple............

    Rain dance!

    Sorry, I couldnt help it.

    Seriously though.... It IS the desert.....

    Here where I live (S.E. OH) we are drenched! Way above avg rainfall and no let up in sight....

  4. Harry- I did think of doing a rain dance, and of trying to become a "rainmaker" with cannons, drums, colorful smoke, and "prayers"- and charging thou$and$. I can't bring myself to become a scam artist and take advantage of gullible people, though. I'm almost surprised someone hasn't tried it around here yet.

    The newspapers do all have ads from local businesses asking everyone to pray for rain, though. Makes me wonder why we aren't flooded by now. ;)

    Seriously, seeing that it looks like every time it rains somewhere this year, the rain comes with a tornado or two, I'm not so sure I want rain. Weather has a tendency to go overboard with whatever it does.

    Everywhere I've ever lived the locals all claim ownership of the saying "If you don't like the weather in X, wait 5 minutes". I'm betting that holds true, and change will come when we least expect it. A few years ago it was so rainy and wet here I wondered if this area was de-desertifying. Now this.

    Today there are, once again, fires in the area with 40 to 50 MPH winds and lots and lots (and lots) of blowing dirt/sand. I played outside and enjoyed it for several hours.

    On second thought, maybe I will dress up and go out in the yard and entertain my neighbors with a rain dance. I don't think they are worried enough about me yet.
