Friday, February 22, 2019

Don't follow a sick society

The more insane the majority of individuals in a society get, the more anti-social the sane people will appear to be.

At least that's my story.

When everyone's "solution" involves more archation, I'm going to reject their "solution" and seek my own path.

When I'm required to pretend people with mental issues are empowered to dictate the words I use, I'm going to seem unkind. Because I won't comply.

If you believe the "climate change" debate centers around what government should (or shouldn't) do about it, I'm going to reject your proposals. They are without validity, even if they would "work". Nothing can trump natural human rights. Not even "necessity".

I'm not going to pretend a political "solution" to anything is legitimate. Not "laws", not bans, not anything.

I'm fed up with the clamor to find ways to count yourself a victim. Micro-racism, "misgendering", microaggressions, cultural appropriation, and all the rest. I'm fed up with being told that violating me is the only way to solve some problem, whether real or imaginary.

I reject your control tactics. I reject your collectivism and your "intersectionality". I reject your politics. It's all BS.

If everyone wants to be a victim, they'll find some way I'm victimizing them no matter how I try to bend over backward to accommodate them. So I'm not going to bend. They can take their victimization and choke on it.

I will not archate. I will not support those who do. I will try to defend those who are targets of archation. But I'm not going to pretend fantasy is reality to make crazy people feel better about themselves.

If that makes me "anti-social", so be it.


Reminder: I could really use some help.

Writing is my job.
YOU get to decide if I get paid.

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