Thursday, June 13, 2013

Edward Snowden. A hero too late?

Why does it seem necessary to have been "an evil twit who changed your ways" to be a hero? Why can't someone be a hero without first doing evil?

Bradley Manning is a hero.  Now.  But first he was a part of the problem.  He signed on with the military and worked with, and for, the bad guys he later exposed.

Edward Snowden is a hero.  Now.  But first he was part of the problem, working with and for the CIA and NSA, trampling your liberty with everything he did as part of his "job" and with every paycheck he cashed.

Why can't people have a foundation of Principle that lets them recognize they shouldn't be doing certain evil things before they start doing them?

My real heroes are those who didn't need to join forces with the bad guys first to see what needed to be done- and what should never be done.  But those are the ones who rarely get noticed and almost never get hailed as the heroes they truly are.

I will say this, though: seeing the chorus of semi-hominid scum that is screaming "treason!" over Edward's whistleblowing, I know he's on the right side.  I hope he outlives his detractors.



  1. "A hero too late?"

    By Crom I hope not.

    In order to get into a position to be able to do what hehave done, it requires getting into a position of "trust". That is not an easy thing to do for someone who is not "trust worthy" to some extent, although there have been individual exceptions in all positions of "trust" over time.

    I look at your question of "too late" more as an aspect of absolute time rather than relative time for the individual. Is it too late to reverse the destructive path of the Empire? Could any revelation break the sheep from their slumber to actually repeal ANYTHING?

    Assange, unlike Manning and Snowden, started out as an exposer of what he considered wrong-doing. He is the face of those who do follow principle. Yet there seem so few.

    I did time as a govt contractor myself, albeit in no such position of trust, before I realized just what I was doing. I cannot condemn someone else for doing the same.

  2. Kent,

    "One must think like a hero to behave like a merely decent human being."
    May Sarton

    As to whether Snowden is called a hero or traitor, I care not. But I do smile warmly whenever someone examines his own beliefs, especially his most closely held beliefs.


  3. I get where you're coming from, I really do. . .

    But, there is one thing wrong with your analysis: Had Manning or Snowden *not* been part of the machine, they'd never have been in a position to expose the lies and crimes.
    Don't get me wrong - I, too, would prefer my "heroes" not start out as part of the problem. . . Unfortunately, it isn't always possible.

  4. Your post touched a nerve with me because I have wondered a very similar thing in the past with regard to those ex thieves or junkies being put forward as the "lecturers" to as yet innocent youths about why they should walk the straight and narrow path of self responsibility and honor. It always seemed a lesson better taught by someone who had successfully practiced it rather than coming from one who had clearly not and was now trying to earn brownie points for his restitution and reformation.
