Saturday, January 10, 2009

Something For the Freedom-Fighter's Toolbox

Suppose there were "wanted posters" that displayed the worst of the enforcers for all the world to see. If a person, hypothetically speaking, wanted to know where to strike at those offenders in order to balance the scales of justice somewhat, they could check the posters to identify the enemies of freedom.

Well, such things do exist. They are even animated and have audio, and are broadcast for all the world to see. You can watch the rights violators at work, and see their attitudes clearly. You can see for yourself that the "bad apple" has no limits to his or her abusive nature and has no respect for either the Constitution or basic decency. You can see for yourself which ones are parasites without virtue. Right there on your TV screen.

Shows like COPS are a disgusting illustration, and in my opinion a partial cause, of the burgeoning police-state. They can also be a tool which can be put into the toolbox for future use. I even glimpsed a show about the parasites who put "boots" on cars in some big city. More identifiable thugs.

I can't bring myself to watch those types of shows. It would cause me to do things that would get me killed quickly. But for some others it might be something to think about and a tool to put aside for when it is needed.



  1. I was intrigued by COPS when it started as a show - Dad was a cop for 35 years - and I thought it would give a life-insight to Dad's life.

    He would come home, and we asked what he did that day, and his common response was "Oh, just fighting crime and evil".

    Only later, when we were older, boy, did we learn some of the real stories of the real evil he was fighting.

    He was the last of the peacekeepers - dedicated to the community and the people - enforced the 'right', not just the law.

    It was his day when some drunk goofs went to a bar and fired off a few gun shots into the roof for fun. He took their guns away and drove them home - and told them to come get their guns at his office tomorrow - which they did - and after a tongue lashing about responsibility, gave their guns back.

    Think of what would happen today.

    He was appalled at the new "law enforcement" attitude of cops today.

    He watched a season or so of COPS, and then pronounced - "that's just a bunch of TV crap, if they did that under my command, they wouldn't be cops any more!"

    He founded one of the first SWAT teams - trained many police and departments on special tactics - and he is appalled at the militarization of the police today - no-knock warrants and heavy automatic weapons. Police (ie: peacekeepers) are supposed to defuse violent situations - not make them worse - in his opinion.

    Anyway, I can't stand the show either - how many peaceful people are bludgeoned by the State for the amusement of the audience....

  2. The "Police State" has been
    glorified by the "News" and
    "Entertainment" media for
    many decades...Sadly,too
    many sheeple have been
    mentally conditioned to
    accept this problem...Even
    worse,the National Rifle
    Association helps to promote
    tyranny with their support
    of the military,police and
    the Federal "alphabet" (thug)
    agencies like the B.A.T.F.E.
    and the F.B.I....

  3. Are you saying that parking boots are tyranny or the device of a government out of control? Are you suggesting that people go out and murder metermaids and police officers?

  4. I am saying that TV shows such as those I mentioned are a good way to identify bad enforcers. That is all. The only action I have ever advocated against any enforcers is "shunning".

  5. "Are you saying that parking boots are tyranny or the device of a government out of control?"

    They are a milder example of that, yes.

    "Are you suggesting that people go out and murder metermaids and police officers?"

    Certainly no one should wish death on another, but police officers are criminals. Therefore, such a death is nothing to cry about.

  6. Black Flag,

    I was a peace officer for @ 23 years. I would like to talk with your dad. I watched a couple of the COPs shows and immediately realized that they weren't on TV to educate the public. They were on TV to sell beer and tampons.

    I remember taking the extractor out of a guy's S&W and mailing it to him by registered mail so he couldn't use his firearm until after he had returned to his home some 100 miles away.
