Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Murderers get a freebie

So, the enforcers who murdered Kelly Thomas were found "not guilty".  Meh.  Jury nullification (since this was an obvious, overt, and very public murder) goes both ways.

I have zero faith in the "justice system", and as I've said before, I don't think it's the proper place for justice anyway.

Nope.  The justice should come now.

I'm not saying these murderers should be given the same treatment that left Kelly Thomas comatose, and then dead, but I wouldn't lift a finger to stop anyone who did.  Karma, and all that.

What I am saying is that if these murderers were in my local area I would shun them, totally and completely.  They would be invisible to me as former humans.  I wouldn't employ them, nor do business with anyone who did.  I wouldn't sell to them for any price, and would complain to (and publicize) any business which did.  I would do everything I could to ensure these murderers died- cold, hungry, and utterly alone.  Sooner rather than later.  And I would never stop pointing out that they ARE murderers, and had they not been enforcers, they would be sitting in a cage by now.

This quote from the article linked above tells you the new rules of the game:

Ramos' attorney, John Barnett, told reporters: "These peace officers were doing their jobs...they did what they were trained to do."

So "peace" means beating you or me to death, and murder is what enforcers are trained to do to you and me. It's their "job".  Use that information as you will.



  1. I don't know the full story here, but I've seen some of it in the news including a video. But, if the thugs needed to arrest the young man, why didn't they "taze" him then handcuff him while he was incapacitated? If they didn't need to arrest him then what the hell were they doing molesting and, eventually, killing him... having fun?

  2. This is a shocking miscarriage of justice. Hopefully, the family of the victim files a wrongful death suit and goes after their pensions. I expect that the defendants will be quietly pressured to take early retirement and move away, as their fellow cops will believe they make all of them look bad.

  3. The facts of this case are relatively simple when you spend a minute or two sorting them out:

    1) You and I and a handful of "libertarians" are in a distinct minority. We see monopoly upon violence as a gross evil. Most do not. Yet.

    2) For those who accept monopoly upon violence as necessary and deserving of their support, this specific episode might be "an outrage". But few will stop to recognize that the problem isn't the 3 or so policemen murdering this young and harmless wayfarer (and then being acquitted of wrongdoing by a "jury" after being instructed by a "judge" who feeds from the same nosebag as do the cops). That incident is the result of the problem. These occasions have been going on for a long, long time now -- and only recently have the hoi polloi started to become indignant (since the rise of the internet, specifically).

    3) I want you to look at a couple or three of old Norman Rockwell cartoons from days gone by:




    Now tell me if you will -- who could find harm in (a) the local policeman buying a runaway lad a soda, using the opportunity to counsel him to finish school and make Mom and Dad proud? Isn't "...the policeman your friend..."??? Or (b) young boys learning from big brother soldier-boy and perhaps veteran older men how they "...are free due to our-"service"-men (and now, egregiously, women also) 'serving over there'"??? And doesn't it bring tears to the eye to think of the young lady (c) who "owes her freedom and security" to whoever wore that costume? Abu Ghraib was a lifetime away.

    Norman Rockwell was a skilled craftsman for the state -- and a very talented one -- who instilled into my heart and mind the idea that monopoly violence was really the right thing for "...people who love liberty..."

    When I was drafted into the US Army in the early 50's to go to boot camp, flying school, and then Korea it never dawned upon me I was being drilled for the mentality of a hardened murderer. I saw nothing evil at the time in what I was being set up to become. It has taken well over 60 years and people like Karl Hess and Harry Browne for me to live down and unlearn some of that insanity that was inculcated into me as a baby. I'll soon be 80.

    Several years ago I stumbled upon Delmar England. He wrote an essay, Insanity as the Social Norm. Then he died. He wrote a few other works, but I doubt he ever earned a dime writing libertarian stuff. Nobody ever heard of Delmar -- and that's why he was perhaps the best libertarian writer of his time. He didn't need to impress anyone. He told it like it is.

    "Insanity" is not easy reading (primarily because he chips off the libertarian icons up front), but recommended reading:


  4. The links didn't "fire", and now the site won't let me "fire" 'em up.

  5. Works well enough for me. Highlight, copy, open new browser tab or window, paste. The only one of the Rockwell illos new to me was the ad from "Youth's Companion", a publication I only ever heard of in a couple of Heinlein novels. Seems to have been mostly religious in nature, a concept I outgrew long before my youth was over.
