KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New explosion of racism

Racism is disgusting.

After years of living with the disgusting racism (and other varieties of bigotry) of "the Left", I see "the Right" decided to spend some time being disgusting racists, too. I guess they were feeling left out.

When racists are so racist they can't even read the words you write because they are too busy trying to make an entirely different (and still wrong) point, it becomes pointless to engage. I experienced this during the racist meltdown of the past few days.

Racists are some of the dumbest statists out there- right on par with the anti-gun bigots, the taxation apologists, and the copsuckers. But, then again, if statists were smarter they wouldn't continue being statists.

If you want to have a conversation about the relative worth of cultures, that's fine. Some cultures are just better than others. Any culture that respects life, liberty, and property is superior to any other culture, no matter what "race" the individuals in that culture may be. Those people are "my people". People who value theft, governing others, and other forms of archation are not my people. They are not my tribe, regardless of geography or anything else.

Once you understand that, the other things stop mattering.
