KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Concede the argument; let them feel their failure

No matter the plan, people will conspire to mess it up. That's human nature. You've got to keep maintaining it if you want it to work. No matter what it is.

Every time I'm discussing liberty with a statist-- especially a borderist-- they love to tell me how foreign gangs and governments will swarm in and enslave the lazy unorganized population, and stripmine the land of all its resources, without a government to protect them. "Libertopia" [sic] will last ten minutes at most, I'm told. All because people will mess up what their betters have created.

My thought is that if governments were able to prevent this with their wonderful military and borders, why aren't they stopping it now? What are they waiting for?

But, anyway, I may try a new approach next time. I may just agree.
"You're right. Liberty is impossible."

I'm not saying I'd really act like this, but I'll make the argument for it.

I am the liberty-loving frog, the Democrats are the frying pan, and the Republicans are the slow boil. The frog is doomed either way, but the slow boil is more dishonest. It might be more refreshing to get it over with in an honest fight than to keep dealing with quislings who won't allow liberty because it doesn't look like what they want.

So, if I'm not going to be allowed to live in liberty anyway, why would I help the side that's going to drag out the torture? Why not help the side that'll bring on the collapse faster? And get some handouts in the meantime. And make the elites happy so they can be distracted from telling me how horrible I am to believe people should keep their own property and speak freely.

Maybe I should register to v*te, then help the side that's going to destroy the whole broken system the fastest. Sure, things could get really bad, but if I'm not allowed to have what I want regardless, maybe it doesn't matter.

Maybe it's better to be surrounded by those who'll stab you in the chest rather than those who stab you in the back. I don't intend to comply with the "laws" of either side anyway, so what does it matter? If I'm going to be surrounded by people who won't let me enjoy liberty, maybe I can use that to my advantage in some way.

If the borderists love government so much, maybe the thing to do is use their precious government against them. Report them for every infraction of the rules they insist must keep being imposed on society. Make them miserable enough that they snap. Make their system fall apart as surely as they say liberty would fail. You'd think they would have noticed the failure of the Constitution by now, the failure of "limited" government, the failure of government to protect the rights of the people... but no. 

Being nice to statists doesn't work. It's not enough that you'd let them have their little governance clubs, they insist that I have to be subject to the rules of a club I don't belong to. Just because they can't allow anyone to opt out-- they know it would show the flaws in their system.

So I'm willing to hit them where it hurts. Sabotage what they want if they want let me have what I want.

Show them that you might as well take a chance at what you really want, rather than supporting a system that makes sure you can't get it.

Wouldn't that be horrible of me?

Added-- I just tried a "lite" version on someone. I'll see how that goes and adapt the strategy.

Thank you for reading.