KentForLiberty pages


I recommend you adopt a survival mindset. Put together a bug-out bag and a hunker-down kit. Quit your government job. Adjust your comfort level. Learn survival skills. Even if you are not in the wilderness, these skills can make a long-term power outage or other unforeseen event much more comfortable. They also teach confidence and self reliance.

A bug-out bag is generally intended to keep you going for 3 days (which is why it is sometimes called a "72-hour kit"), or until you can get to more comfortable settings in the case of an evacuation.

Bug-Out Bag Content Suggestions:

The bag itself (A backpack or duffel bag to keep it all in)

Shelter: Wool blanket

Water: 6 Bottles @ 500mL each, Purification tablets (save your emptied bottles to put any "found" water into)

Food: Jerky, Parched corn, Energy Bars

Fire: Magnesium Fire starter, Dry Tinder, 6 Candles, 4 Ethanol gel food warmers,Fatwood, MRE heatpacks

Health Supples: Toilet Paper, band-aids, antibiotic ointment, listerine, soap, aspirin, extra clothing in a waterproof bag, cotton balls, cotton swabs, super glue, baking soda, toothbrush and toothpaste, any necessary daily medications

Security: Spare gun and extra ammo, concealment holster, folding or straight knife, diamond sharpener, and knife steel, crank-powered flashlight/radio, wind up alarm clock

Misc: Spare wallet with plausible identification, money (FRNs, gold, and silver), light rope, string, tin cup or can

....And whatever else you may need. Remember to keep the bag light enough to carryon foot if necessary. Women should include feminine hygene products among the health supplies. If you have a baby, don't forget formula and extra water, diapers, and spare blankets. The diaper bag can double as a bug-out bag for baby as long as you make certain to keep it fully stocked. Older children and elderly relatives may have special needs, and you may also want to make provisons for pets.

For your Hunker-down kit:

Hunker-down kits are intended to keep you comfortable in your home in the case of an extended power outage, storm, or "state of emergency". Remembering the lessons of Hurricane Katrina.... You might want to pretend you are not at home if the "authorities" show up to "help" you.

Your bug-out bag can form the foundation of your hunker-down kit. Beyond that, make certain to keep plenty of non-perishable foods (canned foods, dried pasta and grains and beans) on hand at all times. Be sure that any necessary medications do not run low. Don't depend on anything that requires electrical power service, running water, working sewers, or any other infrastructure.

Store up plenty of water. You use more than you think you do. You can keep a lot of plastic bottles filled with water in the back of closets or in nooks and crannies around the home. Basic chlorine bleach is a good disinfectant and can even make bacteriologically contaminated water safe to drink if used correctly. Keep some around. I would suggest keeping plywood, sheets of plastic, and duct tape handy for emergency repairs. Kerosene lanterns with spare kerosene can be used for light, emergency heat, and cooking. A 5-gallon bucket can be used as an emergency toilet if flushing becomes impossible. (Lined with plastic bags, clean up becomes more pleasant.) You might consider installing a woodstove if you don't have one. If you do, keep some spare wood in a hidden, yet accessible spot. More guns and ammunitioncan be kept at home for defense. Preparations mean nothing without the means to defend your supplies. And finally, earplugs or some better form of hearing protection would be a smart thing to have. The "authorities" have discovered the trick of using horrific noise to torture their targets into insanity in recent years.

In both cases, be certain to keep tabs on expiration dates, and rotate your stocks. Foods and medicines are worthless if allowed to expire and spoil.


1 comment:

  1. Kitty litter is good to go with that emergency toilet. Thanks for the tip about the ear plugs.
