KentForLiberty pages

Friday, February 28, 2025

Don't statists get tired of their cult's failures?

Statists suffer one disappointment after another, and yet they never seem to learn.

Wednesday, after access to my X account was restored ($%@#!!) I watched as statists drooled over the news that the Epstein List would be released.

My thought was that if it did happen, nothing of any consequence would be released. Can't endanger the politically powerful! Plus, anything important would have been erased by now.

Thursday, I watched statists be disappointed that the list wasn't actually released; with great fanfare, they were given a substitute that didn't have any new information. Many of them acted surprised at this development. A few pretended this was what they were waiting for, but they were widely ridiculed for this delusion.

But it's always the same. Statists get their hopes up because they believe professional liars, they have the rug pulled out from under them, then they believe the next set of lies.

It keeps them v*ting. 

This seems like it would be exhausting and difficult to keep believing after all this time.

But, maybe I've been wrong all along and in the time between writing this post and you reading it, the REAL list has been released, without redaction, and all the names are known. I'm not holding my breath, nor does it really matter. Archators are archators, and the flavor of their particular archation isn't terribly important to the calculations.

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