KentForLiberty pages

Sunday, February 02, 2025

Statists lie

Statists lie. And they frequently rely on newer definitions to help them lie.

Language evolves. I understand that and I don't even care when it evolves naturally. What I do care about is when language is manipulated in order to push an agenda. This is not the same as language evolving- this is language being hacked apart and sewn back together in a Frankenstein's Monster to serve an agenda.

It still looks generally human, that is to say, legitimate, but the integrity of the language that permits clear communication is lost in the process.

I've also noticed they'll switch between definitions as needed to keep their point alive. There's no integrity.

When this happens, there's really nothing you can say (because "words are just words"). Those relying on the manipulated language to "prove" their point just show the neo-definitions or whatever they need and that's that.

Yes, it's dishonest, but as I say, statists lie. It's almost a defining characteristic; you can't support political government and its various programs and efforts while staying honest. So, they manipulate language and then strut around like pigeons on a chessboard.

I also realize most people don't care. To them, words don't have any set meaning; they are just a mental construct and can change every day if convenient. I'm not sure how they expect clear communication to occur if that's the case. Maybe they don't care about that, either.

It's irritating, but it works on observers who buy the garbage they are selling and aren't aware it's garbage.

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