KentForLiberty pages

Tuesday, January 07, 2025

The Big Divide

The biggest divide between myself and many self-proclaimed libertarians is over borders and "immigration".

I completely understand their concerns and their point, and I even sympathize somewhat, but you don't solve a problem created by government with a bigger, more powerful government. It's just not going to happen. Not ever.

Yes, I agree with them that "you can't have an open border and a welfare state". It's irrelevant. It's not my fault that they can't entertain the idea of abolishing the welfare state- which is the right thing to do regardless. Letting government decide where people can live is wrong, just like letting government redistribute confiscated property (to anyone) is wrong. Two wrongs don't make a right. Nor do two rights make a wrong. The right thing is to take those powers away from the state entirely.

Yes, I agree that some newcomers are committing crimes-- just like some who were born here. The solution is to stop making defense a crime! It's true: I condone violence when that violence is defensive. I can't even comprehend any other position.

I don't want governments bringing "immigrants" or refugees here. I also don't want it to keep them out. I don't want it giving anyone handouts, or shielding them from the consequences of violating someone's life, liberty, or property. 

I do support forcing government to stop creating new refugees. I know, that's too radical a position.

The idea that the "country" is yours to control is a communist idea. If you like communism, just admit it and stop making bad excuses. Your property rights end at your property lines, and you don't have any ownership of someone else's property or of any "public" [sic] property. To insist this means I'm OK with leaving my doors unlocked and letting anyone move into my house is a way to admit you don't understand property rights at all. One is mine; the other is not.

This is entirely a government-created and a government-exacerbated problem. One that government uses to trick you into allowing it to have more power to smash your liberty. Stop siding with more government just because you hate "immigrants", "illegal" or not, more than you hate the state.

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