KentForLiberty pages

Monday, January 06, 2025

Free-thinking vs Brittle-tude

Even "liberal" young people are beginning to distance themselves from the "blue hair and pronouns" crowd. Their words, not mine.

I can tell you the blue hair isn't the issue.

Pronouns are generally either obvious or obviously wrong. You can waste energy fighting against that (in either direction) or you can laugh it off.

When I was young, a "blue hair" was a little old woman who couldn't see over her steering wheel. Some of them had a tendency to color their hair blue to hide the gray. Sometimes, although it was rare, they chose pink. There were several who did this in the church I attended as a teen.

There were some younger free-thinkers (who tended to be actual liberals) who also colored their hair colors of the rainbow. They weren't the narrow-minded fascists we see today with the creative hair coloring.

It's sad that the two things have become correlated. I appreciate creative hair colors and hate to see the style taken over by people so filled with hate, anxiety, and anger that you have to tiptoe through eggshells if you're within miles of them.

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