KentForLiberty pages

Monday, March 10, 2025

I'm available to test one

If I had the money, I would buy a Cybertruck. 

Yes, I know they are ugly-- to me, that's part of the appeal: the Mad Max factor. 

I also know politically addled stupid people are attacking Cybertrucks around the country. I don't think anyone around here would do so. I think it would be a mistake on their part to mess with anyone's vehicles of any type in this region during daylight, with cameras rolling. I think they would be cured of their stupidity real quick. It could be interesting, though.

I've heard people say Cybertrucks seem cheaply made. Is this real, or just an anti-Elon hoax? I'd say it's likely to be true. But if I had that much money, I would buy one to try anyway.

Mostly, I'm very curious about their durability, with regards to zombie hordes. It seems the opportunity to test them has now presented itself, and they seem to be holding up well, from what I've seen. Plus, the Brandon Herrera modification appeals to me very much.

Thank you for reading.


  1. I wouldn't mind owning a Tesla, and I'd kind of like to have a truck, but I'm not very interested in the Tesla truck.

    The town nearest me (Gainesville, Florida) feels overrun with Teslas, probably because it has a Tesla dealership and is a relatively small (100k or so) but relatively high-income (because it's home to a government university) city. I've been able to get relatively close looks at the various models. The passenger cars look well-made. The Cybertrucks look like cheap sci-fi movie props. One thing I haven't seen is a Cybertruck that's obviously any kind of WORK vehicle. They seem to mostly be visual try-hard statements for town types with more money than sense.

    1. I've not seen any that were obvious work trucks, either. Although I've seen a couple that were really dirty- so I'm not positive. There are several in the region that I see regularly- and we have the trucks transporting them through the area to wherever they are being delivered pretty often.
      But, I have almost no interest in any regular Tesla car, well-made or not. I'd take one if someone offered to give one to me. The "sci-fi movie prop" thing is what I like about Cybertrucks. I'm weird.

    2. I'm weird too -- I'd LIKE a vehicle that looks like it came out of a good sci-fi movie. But to me the Cybertruck looks like it came out of one of those cheap direct to streaming productions where the director just said "see if you can find some cheap stainless steel sheeting and bolt it on top of an old Ford Focus from the junk yard for the next scene. It doesn't have to be too good, it will just be driving past in the background. And while you're at it, get some old fire hose and pipe cleaners to make me a monster."

      I kind of like the Tesla passenger vehicles, but at this point Tamara hates Musk too much to take one if it was free. If we had the money, I'd buy her a plug-in electric SUV and build a solar array to charge it. That would make a great town vehicle and save us more than enough money to rent a gas vehicle for the infrequent long-range road trip.

    3. I'd also like an Aptera- and they have solar panels.

  2. Yeah, the Aptera looks ACTUALLY "futuristic" instead of "bad prop from bad movie" futuristic. And the included solar panels were supposed to provide 40 miles worth of travel power daily even setting aside external charging. My guess is that Tamara puts an average of 20-25 miles per day on her vehicle, so that would be ideal.

    I'm aware of solar being potentially more expensive than gas on the per-mile cost side because of the panel costs, but I like the idea of just fronting the money and then not having to go to the gas station all the damn time. It's not just more convenient, but also people (including me) tend to make impulse purchases at gas stations, driving the real cost up.
