KentForLiberty pages

Thursday, March 06, 2025

Are statists even conscious?

The aborted insult of "You're just a communist because you don't support my political party", when thrown my way by someone literally talking about "my country" or "our government" while advocating for government power, is too funny for me to feel insulted.

Then they claim I'm wanting Utopia while telling me "we" can only be saved by v*ting for their preferred political criminals.

These people have zero self-awareness.

I had one the other day ask what problems his party had caused in the past 150 years. So I gave him the first example I could think of. He then said it was really the fault of the other party's policies.

So I gave him another example. Again, he blamed the other party and their policies.

So I gave him a third example. He claimed it only became a problem once the other party was in power and started abusing it.

Then he started repeatedly demanding I give him specific examples to back my claims-- studiously pretending I hadn't already given multiple specific examples. And, of course, saying I'm a statist and a communist because if I don't v*te for his party I'm guaranteeing the other party will gain power. 

He can't see that both "sides" work together against the people. This is just how it works.

I told him I've had the exact same conversation with people in his opposition party. Over and over again. And it was no more convincing when they did it. So he called me a communist again.

I muted the conversation at that point. Not playing pigeon chess with him any more.
Zero self awareness whatsoever.

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  1. I don’t believe this person was engaging in a ‘conversation’ with you but was merely directing his rant in your direction. In a pigeon chess match with them, my bet would be on the bird.
