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Wednesday, December 04, 2024

"Expanding gun rights"?

In many online comments, you'll see anti-gun bigots whine that the Supreme Courtjesters have recently been "expanding gun rights".

This is simply a lie. These people expose their ignorance about what rights are.

Getting the criminal government out of the illegal business of rationing and controlling guns and gun owners is not “expanding gun rights”, it’s respecting rights that have been routinely violated.

The Supremes won't even go all the way into forcing government back into the box it is required to stay in. If they did, they'd rule that every gun "law", from top to bottom, is immediately null and void. You could go online today and order a full-auto AK-47 direct from Russia, to be delivered to your house.

If the Court decided that you were allowed to shoot anyone who annoyed you, that would be illegitimately "expanding" gun rights-- you can't have a right to violate others' life, liberty, or property. Anti-gun bigots who generally believe in this kind of imaginary "right" would really shriek if "gun rights" got expanded the same way they want other "rights" dreamed up and expanded. 

But, telling government it has no "authority" to stand in your way of owning and carrying any sort of weapon you choose, openly or concealed, everywhere you go, without asking government permission, doesn't "expand" anything. It just limits the violations that have been occurring for at least the past 90 years,

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