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Saturday, September 14, 2024

However election ends, you'll be fine

(My Eastern New Mexico News column for August 11, 2024)

No matter which politician attains the office of President after the upcoming election, you'll probably be fine. I know it's more popular to say we are all doomed unless a certain politician wins. The truth is, no President has had much effect on my life, regardless of whether I liked or despised him. Or potentially, her.

If they imposed unconstitutional legislation I didn't like, I probably ignored it or found a workaround. We all commit an average of three felonies per day, according to author and attorney Harvey Silverglate; what's the harm of a few more? When the laws are wrong, good people are outlaws.

This time, some activists tell us if the candidate they hate wins, he'll round up all those who oppose him or who live a different lifestyle. It's not going to happen. Not even if he actually wanted to do it, which he doesn't.

I don't think America will allow anything like the Japanese American internment camps of World War 2 to happen again. If you want me to rise up, try it.

Nearly every time we've been told a particular segment of the population will be rounded up, they haven't been. "January 6" protestors, drug users, and gun owners are obvious exceptions, and in those cases, neither party has been willing to end the atrocity. Both are guilty. It should have been resisted from the first, and it wasn't. This was a mistake... and a lesson.

If things get bad enough that your friends and neighbors see the need to rise up to save you, we will. And we'll win. Government doesn't realize they are playing with fire now.

The warning doesn't apply to only one political party, either.

I think every election since I've been an adult has been "the Most Important Election in Our Lifetime". Each one had at least one candidate who was a threat to the very fabric of America, according to the other party and the corporate media representing that side. I don't even think they are wrong. Anyone who seeks political power over others is unworthy of it and dangerous. Some are worse than others.

Whichever way the next election goes, you'll be fine. If it looks like you won't be, it's time to forego voting and protesting. "Never again" doesn't only apply to the Holocaust, but to any government overreach posing a threat to life, liberty, and property. I've had enough. Have you?
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Destroyers vs the rest of us

Every government agency is established to destroy whatever is in its realm. 

If it’s in the name, that agency is working to destroy it. 

Or, to at least destroy the credibility of that area of human work and study. NOAA probably can't destroy the atmosphere and ocean, but it can utterly destroy the credibility of those working in that arena. It can prevent any real progress from being made.

Just try to find an exception.

I'm not saying they'll limit themselves to destroying only that which is in their name, though. The FAA (Feral Aviation Administration) is working to destroy not only aviation but also space flight and the very future of humanity. "Good job", clowns.

If you want government oversight over something, you're looking to destroy that which you claim needs this government "help". Why?

Some just hate progress (a defining characteristic of "progressives"), but some seem to think they can profit from the broken pieces that are left after government steps in. Maybe they can, if they are evil enough.

If you call for government oversight over something, I see you as wanting to stop or destroy that thing. I don't see you as a serious person, looking to make the world better, but as a micro-tyrant hating to see anything good succeed or survive. Which is the same as destroying it.

(Image made on

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