KentForLiberty pages

Friday, August 23, 2024

Resistance is essential

Speaking of boxes...

To me, it is clear Kamala Harris is worse in every way than Donald Trump. She echoes all his bad traits and adds some creative evil of her own. (I realize I may be attributing to candidates what those pulling the strings are doing. Just go with it.)

I'm also aware this makes Trump the more dangerous of the two in some ways.

If you're trapped somewhere inside the box, you probably balk at some part of this claim. 

You may have a little extra emotion involved, making you hate one or the other beyond what reason would indicate. It's even possible this is why I see Harris as worse than Trump- I may be suffering from HDS rather than TDS. I don't think so, but who would? We all think we see the situation clearly, even if we are in a box we can't see. 

Being outside the box (or some particular box) I understand it doesn't matter as much as those inside the box believe it does. I don't need (or want) to be governed by anyone. I don't require a president; I won't bow to one. I can govern myself just fine-- as can you. Politicians are parasites. Government and liberty are mutually exclusive, and I value liberty. Anyone trying to govern me is the enemy.

Presidents are an unnecessary evil. They aren't part of the solution until or unless you find one willing and able to dismantle the entire structure that gives them and their opponents their power. Don't hold your breath, since the Deep State will never allow anyone like this to get close to being on the ballot, much less to be elected. 

The best power you have right now is in your refusal to comply and your willingness to accept the consequences of noncompliance if there's no way to avoid them. Do not be assimilated. Resist. This is what those outside the box understand. It isn't pretty, but it's true.

The tighter they grip, the more who will slip between their bloody fingers.

Thank you for reading.