KentForLiberty pages

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

The Weird vs The Gross

As someone who has always been called "weird", including by family members, I'm a little annoyed that the word is being applied to people who haven't truly done the work to earn it. Even if the allegations are true, rather than standard fake news for political points.

"Weird" isn't a word I would have exclusively applied to the Right. Unfortunately, any alternate word I can come up with applies equally to the Left. Just as "weird" does. It's all a matter of perspective.

"Weird" isn't even offensive. Not like the words that really describe statists-- Authoritarian. Nasty. Copsuckers. Thieves. Ignorant. Applicable words spring easily to mind.

The Left may be a little heavier on textbook mental illness, but that depends on the issues you're looking at currently. Neither side has a monopoly on the bad stuff. Copsucking is clearly a mental problem.

But, pretending the Right is now "weird", as declared by the gross Left, this is a terribly strange world we live in.

Who would have ever thought that politics would pit the (pseudo) weird against the gross?
Why can't they all lose and go away? Forever.

Thank you for reading.